Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) and its member organisations invite everyone with chronic pain or their caregivers to complete this brief survey on diagnosis and treatment.

This survey is a second version of the survey they conducted in 2017. It will compare the responses from 4 years ago with the situation now, to see if there have been improvements over the past four years.

PAE will use the survey results as a snapshot of the lives of people with chronic pain across Europe – the picture may vary from country to country. However, the results will support their efforts to raise awareness among decision-makers and policymakers.

Please help PAE by completing this survey and circulating it widely among your contacts, so that we can get a better picture of the situation in as many European countries and chronic pain conditions as possible!

The survey will be online in May and is available in 14 languages. The relevant links can be found below:

PAE will publish a short report with some disease-specific information at the end of June, and they will provide a full report with the survey results at the end of August/beginning of September here.