The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP)
The ‘Societal Impact of Pain’ (SIP) platform is a multi-stakeholder partnership led by the European Pain Federation EFIC and Pain Alliance Europe (PAE), which aims to raise awareness of pain and change pain policies.
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform aims to achieve improved
care and pain management across the EU, to reduce the societal impact of the disease which touches upon all aspects of life. If you have not yet endorsed the
SIP Joint Statement, there is still time.
News from the Societal Impact of Pain
World Mental Health Day: SIP’s work on Mental Health policies
About World Mental Health Day 10 October is World Mental Health Day, the annual recurrence of WHO's campaign to...
SIP National Platform Call Report Available
The Report from the third SIP National Platform call of 2024 is now available! The third SIP National Platform meeting...
European Pain Awareness Day: Is Europe Providing Adequate Access to Treatment?
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce that in 2024, the European Pain Federation EFIC...
New Launch: A SIP Policy Framework for the Delivery of Pain Care.
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce the launch of its newest resource entitled ‘A...
Translations Available: ‘The Burden of Pain: A Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Book of Evidence’
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce the launch of the translations of ‘The Burden of...
SIP Newsletter 02 2024 – Now Available!
The second SIP Newsletter of 2024 is now available! Be sure to read this month’s editorial, which includes updates on:...
SIP Portugal News: ‘The Voice of Pain’ Event
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Portugal Platform will organise an event to celebrate 25 years of the first National...