In this section, national initiatives which have been set up in Finland can be found.

Translations Available: ‘Digital Health Position Paper’ and ‘ICD-11 Position Paper’
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce the launch of multiple translations of the...

SIP Finland: Updates
SIP Finland shared this insightful article from a meeting that took place in 2019. Published by Lääkärilehti, the...

SIP Finland organises a webinar on effective pain treatment and rehabilitation
SIP Finland organises a webinar on the 30th of November 2021 on effective pain treatment and rehabilitation. See the...

Tule ry meets Finnish Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services
Tule ry meets with the Finnish Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services (responsible for the healthcare) for...

The next sip national platform call will take place on the 8th of february 2021
The first SIP National Platform call of 2021 will take place virtually on the 8th of February. The meeting will be a...

Read about the outcomes of the project that won the first edition of the bmp grant!
The first edition of the BMP Grant which had the theme of Overcoming Problems In Access To Treatments awarded three...

Marja Kinnunen as deputy for Public Health Advisory Board
Executive manager of Finnish Musculoskeletal Association (TULE ry) Marja Kinnunen has been appointed as deputy for...
In April 2019, a core team representing multiple stakeholder groups, started their work and launched SIP Finland.