On Wednesday 31 January, SIP had the pleasure of attending ‘Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Joining Forces’ event organised by the European Commission to celebrate World Cancer Day. It’s been three years since the adoption of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. 

Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, was the host of this event assessing Europe’s efforts to enhance lives affected by cancer and leading the fight against the disease. The event included the participation of experts, policymakers, and officials from across the EU, operating at both European and national level.

During her speech, Stella Kyriakides highlighted her December 2019 speech at the European Parliament, emphasising the focus on cancer within her portfolio. Grateful for the broad support, she credited President von der Leyen’s endorsement, colleagues, Health Ministers, and MEPs. The Cancer Plan, launched on World Cancer Day 2020, thrived amid pandemic challenges and supported by €4 billion. Key achievements included vaccine recommendations, updated screening guidelines, and initiatives for comprehensive cancer care. Kyriakides acknowledged existing challenges, particularly addressing EU-wide cancer care inequalities.

Looking ahead, she announced upcoming measures on ultraviolet radiation exposure and a code of conduct for cancer survivors’ fair access to financial services. The initiatives spanned personalised cancer medicines, digital technologies, palliative care for children, and health literacy.

Kyriakides underscored a people-centric approach, emphasising the profound impact on individuals, families, and healthcare professionals.

The complete agenda of the event, as well as information about its speakers, can be found here.

For further insights into SIP and its focus on cancer pain, please consult the following resources: