
New SIP Resources Translations Available!

New SIP Resources Translations Available!

The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce the launch of multiple translations of different relevant SIP materials and resources. These translations developed through the dedicated efforts of SIP National Platforms, aim to make these important...
PA!N supports new care standard for chronic pain in the Netherlands

PA!N supports new care standard for chronic pain in the Netherlands

One of the main objective of PA!N (SIP NL) is to increase awareness on the pain to policy makers / politicians and to adapt a national pain guideline. As from 11 February 2020, the Dutch authorities adapted the Care Standard for chronic pain, which also includes the...
Good examples of work and chronic conditions

Good examples of work and chronic conditions

Results of an exploration of European initiatives for stay at work with a chronical condition and job opportunities for (young) people with a chronic condition. In 2016 a working group of the Dutch Social and Economic Council (SER), consisting of representatives of...