We are delighted to announce the launch of a new SIP Platform: SIP Sweden!

Healthcare professionals and patient representatives from the country have come together to drive and steer the SIP Sweden Platform forward, aiming to raise awareness about chronic pain and change pain policies.

Please find below short biographies from the women that will lead the project foward:

Gunilla Göran

  • Volunteering for pain and fibromyalgia for more than 20 years at local, regional and national level in Swedish Rheumatism Association SRA;
  • Board member SRA at national level;
  • President of the European Network for Fibromyalgia Associations ENFA;
  • EUPATI – Sweden patient expert;
  • NAG National Action Group Pain – Task Force Group – The Swedish healthcare pathway for adults with chronic pain;
  • NAG National Action Group updating the treatment guidelines for rheumatic diseases in primary care;
  • Swedish Research Council – Patient representative for the review of applications for funds for research;
  • Representing SRA in SIP for the last 6-7 years and;
  • Chair of two disability councils in the city of Stockholm and part of the election-committee.

Monika Löfgren

Monika Löfgren, PhD and associate professor, is a registered physiotherapist, specialist in pain and pain treatment at the Pain Rehabilitation Unit of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Danderyd University Hospital, Stockholm. She leads the multiprofessional research group of Pain Rehabilitation. The group focus on studies of the rehabilitation process and its outcome for different patient groups with long-term pain and post-covid, basic physiological mechanisms of relevance for long-term pain and different aspects of cognition and fatigue in long-term pain and post-covid patients. effective pain relief, improved function and health related quality of life. Monika Löfgren also works as adjunct Senior Lecturer in Rehabilitation Medicine at the Department of Clinical Sciences Danderyd Hospital at Karolinska Institutet.

Paulin Andréll

Paulin Andréll is a consultant physician, specialist in internal medicine and pain medicine at Pain Centre, the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg. She leads the multiprofessional research group Gothenburg Pain Lab together with professor and nurse Axel Wolf. The overarching aim of the research group is to develop and implement innovative and person-centred opioid sparing interventions for treatment of acute, chronic and cancer-related pain conditions for more effective pain relief, improved function and health related quality of life. Paulin Andréll also works as adjunct Senior Lecturer in pain medicine at the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Institute of Clinical Sciences at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. She is an executive board member of the Swedish Pain Society and the Swedish Pain Physician Society.

Anna B. Sellius

Is a registered physiotherapist, specialised in pain and pain relief. She has many years of experience treating stress-related health problems. Her competences includes expert training in basic body awareness, acupuncture, diagnosis of muscular function and therapy, as well as sleep disorders. She works at University Gothenburg in the Department of Health and Rehabilitation at Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology.