During the last SIP National Platform meeting, Prof. Dr. André Wolff (SIP Netherlands), shared the latest updates on the Dutch Multidisciplinary Pain Care Plan.

In 2017, the Netherlands developed the Care Standard for Chronic Pain, followed by the initiation of the “Health Deal Chronic Pain” project in 2020, addressing network activities with financial challenges. 

Additionally, in 2020, the development of a Chronic Pain Guideline, intended for all healthcare professionals and patients commenced. This collaborative effort involved alliances working together to enhance the network for pain patients. The Guideline is expected to be finalised in the coming months, with a scheduled presentation. It is a comprehensive disciplinary and multidisciplinary Guideline, involving governmental parties, insurance parties, Dutch care authorities and care institutes, amongst others.

A national conference held on 8th November emphasised collaborative awareness, from grassroots professionals to high-level governmental involvement. The coming years anticipate an organic process to enhance care and collaboration, including addressing financial issues arising from diverse frameworks and guidelines.