
New SIP Resources Translations Available!
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce the launch of multiple translations of different...

Translations Available: ‘Digital Health Position Paper’ and ‘ICD-11 Position Paper’
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce the launch of multiple translations of the...

SIP France: Successful Pain Meeting at the French Senate
SIP France woud like to share that on Thursday 24th October, a meeting was held and organised at the French Senate to...

SIP France: Available Resources
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) France Platform had a meeting with the French government at the SENAT last October...

SIP France: Available Resources
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) France Platform developed a few years ago a valuable resource which described...

SIP France Updates
AFLAR, the French Association for the Fight Against Rheumatism, one of the SIP France partners, have published their...

SIP France Round Table meeting in Paris
On the occasion of World Pain Day (18th October 2021), SIP France participated in an event with representatives from...
Francoise Thomas reports from the lack of qualified physicians to treat chronic pain The lack of qualified physicians to treat chronic pain is a challenge on which the...
In May 2018 a core team representing multiple stakeholder groups, started their work and launched SIP France.