In this section, national initiatives which have been set up in Portugal can be found.
Joint Declaration of the Platform for the Social Impact of Pain in Portugal – Recommendations for Action
The joint statement has been prepared by the SIP Portugal platform in March 2019 and presents the common position of...
SIP Portugal meets companies to address impact of pain on employment
On March 20, the Portuguese Social Pain Platform (SIP Portugal) organized a meeting with eight companies from...
In June 2018 a core team representing multiple stakeholder groups, started their work and launched SIP Portugal.
HCPs Contact:
Carina Raposo (APED – Associação Portuguesa para o Estudo da Dor)
Patients Contact:
Isabel Pireza (MiGRA Portugal)
Joana Vicente (APJOF)
Mónica Rebelo (LUPUS)
Maria Teresa Flor-de-Lima (AAADMJ; ADDCA – PAE Member)