In this section, national initiatives which have been set up in Spain can be found.

SIP Spain: Latest News
SIP Spain have some exciting news to share! SIP Spain has contributed to the sixth edition of the iSanidad 2024...

New SIP Resources Translations Available!
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce the launch of multiple translations of different...

Translations Available: ‘Digital Health Position Paper’ and ‘ICD-11 Position Paper’
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform is delighted to announce the launch of multiple translations of the...

SIP Spain: New Leadership
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Spain Platform has had a change in leadership. Moving forward, Miren Revuelta and...

SIP Spain will host a virtual event on 25-26 March 2022 on the societal impact of pain in their country
SIP Spain will host on 25-26 March 2022 their forum on the societal impact of pain in their country. Attendees will be...

SIP Spain Steering Committee meeting at SIP 2019
On the eve of the SIP Symposium 2019, the Spanish SIP Platform’s Steering Committee met to prepare for the upcoming...
Workshop 4: Developing Pain Education for nurses by nurses
Workshop 4: Benchmarking, education and research programmes on pain management in the European Union Presentation
Workshop 4: Galician School in Public Health for citizens: Education in Pain
Workshop 4: Benchmarking, education and research programmes on pain management in the European Union Presentation
In June 2018 a core team representing multiple stakeholder groups, started their work and launched SIP Spain.