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Nadine Attal

Nadine Attal

Nadine ATTAL, MD, PhD, is Professor of therapeutics and Pain medicine in  Paris Saclay University (Versailles) and  responsible for the Center of Evaluation and  Treatment of Pain in Ambroise Paré Hospital, Boulogne-Billancourt, France. She is  associate director of the INSERM U987 Research Unit on Pain (directed by Didier Bouhassira), member of the Council of the International Association for the Study of Pain, of the scientific committee of the European Academy of Neurology and section editor of the journals British Journal of Anesthesia andPain Reports. Her research activity mainly focuses on neuropathic pain and chronic pain management. She has coordinated several international guidelines on neuropathic pain assessment or  treatment and has authored 165 peer review papers in high impact factor journals such as Brain, Neurology, Lancet Neurology, Pain (H index > 50).  She has been  giving several plenary lectures at international Pain congresses including the World congress on Pain, the Edmond Charlton  hononary lecture at the last  International Congress on neuropathic  pain (NeuPSIG) and the Rynd honorary Plenary Lecture at the Irish Society of Anesthesiologists (May 2022). She received several prizes and awards including a biology price from the « Académie des Sciences » and was promoted  « Chevalier de la légion d’honneur » in 2016.