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The EFIC-Grünenthal-Grant (E-G-G) is now accepting applications. Early-career scientists from across Europe can submit their innovative research projects in the area of chronic pain to be considered for a research grant from this prestigious scheme.

How does it work?

The E-G-G is awarded by the European Pain Federation (EFIC) and sponsored by the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH. Since 2004, it has provided funding worth approximately  €1.6 million for 65 innovative research projects across 13 countries. Grünenthal supports the E-G-G with a maximum of €200,000 every two years, and each grant has a maximum value of €40,000. As well as funding, the grant also gives young scientists the opportunity to present the results of their research during the Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, which is Europe’s largest pain congress.

The aim of the E-G-G is to provide early-career scientists and clinicians in EFIC member countries with support in starting independent clinical and human experimental research projects in the area of chronic pain, including educational initiatives aimed at improving diagnosis and treatment. In particular, the E-G-G prioritizes translational research projects that take a patient-centric approach and that target unmet medical needs for people with chronic pain.

The application period opened in February 2020 and will close on 30 September 2021. To learn more and submit an application, visit this section of the E-G-G website.

Have a look at the deadlines! Here discover more regarding timeline and the judges for the 2020-2021 grant cycle!