An update on the EFIC Task Force on Multimodal Pain Treatment
Multimodal treatment is often recommended for many pain conditions. Despite this, the concept of multimodal treatment remains subject to different interpretations, with no consented definition, and a lack of agreement on the discrete modalities that comprise such...
Over 1,000 Submitted Abstracts for #EFIC2023
Abstracts are the lifeblood of any scientific meeting. Presenting your work via a poster or oral presentation can often be a first step for a researcher in their academic career. The more abstracts submitted to a congress, the stronger the grassroots of the scientific...
An update on the EFIC Research Strategy Survey
At the beginning of 2023, EFIC kicked off the work on our pain research strategy working with a multidisciplinary steering committee. The pain strategy will serve as a foundation stone for European pain research plans for years to come. The overall vision will be to...
The May SIP Newsletter Is Now Available
The May SIP Newsletter is now available! This month’s editorial includes: – Updates on the European Mental Health Strategy – Updates on the European Health Data Space – Updates on SIP and SIP National Platform activities And so much more! Read...
#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Musculoskeletal Pain
Musculoskeletal pain is a common and complex condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest in various forms, including back pain, neck pain, joint pain, and muscular pain, among others. The causes of musculoskeletal pain are varied and can range...
#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Patient-focused sessions
The chosen theme for #EFIC2023 is ‘Personalised Pain Management: The Future Is Now’. It is becoming more evident that personalized approaches to pain management are necessary in order to address the unique aspects of each patient with chronic pain. This...
Dr Roger Knaggs appointed as President of the British Pain Society
Dr Roger Knaggs, an Associate Professor in Clinical Pharmacy Practice at the University of Nottingham’s School of Pharmacy and an expert in the field of pain management, has been appointed to the position of President of the British Pain Society. He will lead the...
Apply for the EFIC Pain School on Acute Pain Related to Surgery and Trauma 2023
We are excited to announce that the EFIC Pain School on Cancer Pain and Palliative Care 2023 will take place on 26-28 November 2023 in Berlin, Germany. The course is open to anesthetists, surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, researchers, and quality...
SIP Launches Joint Statement on Pain and Mental Health
SIP is delighted to announce the launch of the SIP Joint Statement on Pain and Mental Health. A collaborative project between ten different professional and patient organisations working in the field of pain or pain-related and mental health policies. In Europe there...
The Report from SIP Portugal Virtual Event on Pain and Employment is Available
The Executive Committee of SIP Portugal (SIP PT) organised a Webinar entitled “Pain and Employment”, which took place on March 16, 2023. More than 190 participants were registered, including health professionals, health associations and the general public, which...
SIP Platform Interviews André Wolff from SIP Netherlands
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) had the opportunity to interview André Wolff, Representative of the SIP Netherlands Platform. You can watch the full interview here!
#EFIC2023 Late-Breaking Abstract submission EXTENDED!
We are pleased to announce that the deadline for #EFIC2023 abstract submission has been extended, giving you more time to submit your work and have the chance to showcase your research and receive valuable feedback. FINAL Late-Breaking Abstract Submission...
What is the meaning of Chronic Primary Pain?
Chronic primary pain (CPP) is term that has been implemented in the latest revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), which came into effect in 2022. Following this, the European Pain Federation EFIC has put together information on the...