SIP Malta: Available Resources
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Malta Platform launched the ‘To Be Seen and To Be Heard “Arani u Ismagħni” Patient Empowerment project. Patient Empowerment, Self-Management and Patient-Professional Communication are the three themes being targeted in the most...
Pain and Physical Activity: World Day of Physical Activity 2024
The World Day of Physical Activity is an annual observance held on 6 April, which aims to promote physical activity and its importance for a healthy lifestyle. The day was established in 2002 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness about the benefits...
SIP Spain: New Leadership
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Spain Platform has had a change in leadership. Moving forward, Miren Revuelta and Anna Server will be leading SIP Spain. Below you will find additional details about the new representatives. Miren Revuelta, MD, PhD, EDPM, FIPP, is a...
SIP France: Available Resources
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) France Platform had a meeting with the French government at the SENAT last October on the subject of pain management in France. Watch the replay of the meeting here! Please find images from the meeting here, here and...
April is Stress Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month is observed every year in April. The goal of this month is to raise awareness about the causes and effects of stress on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. It is a time to highlight the importance of stress management, self-care,...
New SIP Platform: SIP Sweden
We are delighted to announce the launch of a new SIP Platform: SIP Sweden! Healthcare professionals and patient representatives from the country have come together to drive and steer the SIP Sweden Platform forward, aiming to raise awareness about chronic pain and...
2 positions on EFIC Executive Board open for election
The 2024 European Pain Federation EFIC Council Meeting will take place virtually at #EFIC2023 on 27 September 2024. We will be holding elections for two positions on the Executive Board. President Elect (1). The successful candidate will serve for three years (2026...
SIP Finland: Updates
SIP Finland shared this insightful article from a meeting that took place in 2019. Published by Lääkärilehti, the leading Finnish medical journal tailored for medical professionals in Finland. This article is inspired by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen’s advocacy for a...
Just Announced: #EFIC2025 Registration Fees
Get ready for a celebration of pain science and education at the next EFIC Congress – Pain in Europe XIV in Lyon, France, from April 24-26, 2025! Under André Mouraux’s visionary theme, “Comorbidity of chronic pain and mental health disorders: Breaking the cycle,” our...
Our first quarterly EFIC Newsletter is available!
The latest quarterly newsletter of the European Pain Federation EFIC has just been published. Check out our latest updates on the #EFIC2025 Congress, the EFIC Academy, our Research and Advocacy activities, news from our Chapters and much more. Read it...
Just published: Updated Curriculum for the European Diploma in Pain Medicine
The European Pain Federation EFIC is proud to launch the updated pain curriculum for the EDPM.The main aims of the EDPM pain curriculum are to guide preparations for the EDPM examinations and to help pain educators throughout Europe harmonise their educational...
Brain Awareness Week 2024
Brain Awareness Week is a global initiative that aims to increase public awareness and understanding of the brain and brain research. It is a collaborative effort between scientists, educators, and organizations to host events and activities that engage the public in...
#InspireInclusion On International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day (IWD) is recognised worldwide on March 8th, 2024. The aim of IWD is to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, as well as a call to action for gender equality. The 2024 theme is: #InspireInclusion. The...