How to prepare for the EDPM
Core Curriculum
The Examination for the European Diploma in Pain Medicine (EDPM) is based on the accompanying Core Curriculum. The best place to start when preparing for the Examination is to read the Core Curriculum to ensure that your professional experience and knowledge reflects the Curriculum headings and competences necessary for attainment of the diploma.
Academy Education Platform
Members of the EFIC Academy gain access to the EFIC Academy Education Platform, where all of our online learning materials are hosted, organised along the lines of our curricula. You can catch up on all previous EFIC virtual summits, as well as viewing webinars and additional content provided only for the Platform. The Academy Education Platform is the ideal place to prepare for the Examinations.
Practice Exam Questions
Practice in advance on the EFIC Academy Platform: The practice exam contains 10 questions with a time limit of 20 minutes and an abundance of different questions for you to test your knowledge. View it here (only available for EFIC Academy members).
Follow our guidance videos on how to perform in an OSCE station
The Academy platform includes OSCE demonstration videos, designed to aid you in your preparation for the EDPM, particularly Part 2. What exactly is an OSCE? It is a guided run-through of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations – the cornerstone of EFIC’s exams and the gold standard in assessing competencies in pain management. View it here (only available for EFIC Academy members).
Virtual Summit
EFIC organise a virtual summit every year where we do not hold a congress. The virtual summit is an educational event where all of the learning is based upon the EFIC curricula. The summit programme covers different areas of the EFIC curricula each year, providing a valuable studying opportunity for anyone wishing to prepare for the Examinations. The programme is organised in one-hour modules composed of 10-15 minutes sessions.
Congress Refresher Courses
If you have a chance to attend a Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, we recommend you attend the Refresher Courses. The Courses are be developed in line with the Core Curriculum and will serve as a good ‘prep course’ for potential Examination attendees.
Find out more about the exam, how to prepare and the most pressing questions in this webinar recorded in November 2024. Watch it here.
Reading materials
Participants are advised to study the recommended reading list. Please be aware; this is a dynamic reading list and participants are asked to check for changes and additions on a regular basis. As the Examination is designed to test actual experience of managing and treating patients, learning materials may help you prepare and refresh your memory of important subjects, but actual clinical experience is a pre-requisite.