EFIC Pain School on Acute Pain Related to Surgery and Trauma

General information
26-28 November 2023
IHZ – Friedrichstr. 95, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Course Organisers: Winfried Meissner, Claudia Weinmann, Ruth Zaslansky
Brona Fullen, PhD, physiotherapist, EFIC President
Hans-Georg Schaible, PhD, physiology/neurophysiology
Andreas Kopf, MD, anesthesiologist
Mienke Rijsdijk, MD, anesthesiologist
Dusica Stamenkovic, MD, anesthesiologist
Ulrike Stamer, MD, anesthesiologist
Per Kjærsgaard-Andersen, MD, orthopaedic surgeon
Jorge Jimenez Cruz, MD, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Rianne van Boekel PhD, RN
Nestler Nadja, PhD, RN
Regine Klinger, PhD, psychologist
Tiago Antunes, RN, former patient
Focus of this EFIC Pain School:
This course aims to develop skills for assessing and managing acute pain related to surgery and trauma in adults. The interactive course format will present an evidence-based approach to assessing, formulating a diagnosis, and designing a comprehensive holistic pain management plan. Emphasis will be placed on a multi-disciplinary and multi-professional approach to managing this form of pain. The course will follow EFIC’s Core Curriculum for physicians, nurses, and physiotherapists as these are the professions most involved in caring for people experiencing acute, post-operative pain.
Main topics:
EDPM Curriculum
1.6 Bio-psychosocial Aspects of Pain
1.7 Assessment of pain
1.8 Management of Pain
3.1 Acute Pain
Nursing Curriculum (in addition to topics above)
1.1 Multidimensional Impact and Nature of Pain
2.1 – 2.9 Interprofessional Working and Learning
3.1 Assessment
3.2 Outcome Measures
4.1 Promoting Self-Management
4.2 Non-pharmacological Interventions
4.3 Pharmacological Interventions
4.4 Interventional Therapies
4.5 Comorbidities
6.1 Patient and Family Education
7.3 Evidence-Based Pain Management
7.4 Audit and Data Management
Physiotherapy Curriculum (in addition to topics above)
3.1 Communication
Target Audience
The course is open to anesthetists, surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, researchers, and quality assurance specialists in the early-middle stages of their careers. Preference will be given to attendees who are aiming to be future leaders in their field/country/hospital in the area of acute pain management. We expect that learners will take it upon themselves to disseminate the knowledge and experience they gained during the course, among their peers.
Learning Outcomes
- Review mechanisms of acute pain, inflammatory and neuropathic pain.
- Describe approaches for carrying out a person-centered pain assessment.
- Discuss means for providing multi-modal management, pharmacological and non-pharmacological, of acute surgical/trauma pain in major patient groups and one which takes into account pre-existing pain and/or risk factors for developing chronic pain after surgery.
- Describe options for communicating with patients to create individualized management plans, based on evidence and clinical reasoning, taking into account patients’ level of health literacy, age, gender, and culture.
- Be able to recognize placebo and nocebo responses and how to integrate them into care
- Review and discuss structures for providing acute pain management within a hospital setting.
- Identify the role of quality indicators in the management of acute pain
- Evaluate options for research in acute pain.
How to apply
Application for this EFIC Pain School is now closed! All applicants have been notified.
- Please note that for this pain school, your level of English needs to be at least C1 or higher according to the CEFR standard.
- EFIC offer 15 places for this Pain School free of charge via a grant. For the chosen 15 applicants, all teaching and related activities are provided free of charge, along with accommodation and meals. The only significant cost these applicants should expect to pay is their travel.
- As EFIC Pain Schools aim to focus specifically on interprofessionalism, applications from nurses and physiotherapists are especially encouraged.
- All applications are evaluated by the European Pain Federation EFIC® Committee on Education and approved by the Executive Board.