EFIC Pain School on Basics in Pain Medicine

General information
4th – 9th September 2022
Parkvilla Wörth, Johannaweg 5, 9210 Pörtschach, Klagenfurt/Austria
Course Directors: Rudolf Likar, Klagenfurt / Reinhard Sittl, Erlangen
Focus of this EFIC Pain School: Basic knowledge of pain physiology and pharmacology, anamnesis of chronic pain patients, basics of psychological pain therapy and interdisciplinary multimodal therapy. Basics of therapy for acute pain, tumor pain, headache, neuropathic pain, musculoskeletal pain and visceral pain. All pain syndromes are interactively discussed and deepened in the course on the basis of case studies.
Main Topics:
- Acute Pain
- Cancer Pain
- Headache
- Low Back Pain
- Neuropathic Pain
- Psychological methods in chronic pain
R. Likar, R. Sittl
Interactive lectures:
R. Likar, R. Sittl, W. Amberger,
P. Mattenklodt, R. Rosenquist
Guest Speakers:
M. Ausserwinkler, S. Brill, Alexey + Andrei Danilov, G. Hariton, A. Knezevic, N. Krcevski-Skvarc, Th. Kretschmer, R. Lackner, P. Moore, S. Nica, M. Rakusa, A. Resch, S. Schug, G. Varrassi
View the full programme here
Target Audience
- The course is open to all doctors who wish to gain specific expertise in pain medicine. 2-3 years of clinical expertise is ideal, though the course is open to doctors who decide to pursue the pain medicine path later in their career. Older clinicians have participated in the past, and the interaction between older and younger clinicians is always fascinating.
- Non-physicians are invited, though ideally from fields of practice relevant to pain, such as specialised nurses, physiotherapists and psychologists.
- The course is useful for doctors who wish to prepare for the European Diploma in Pain Medicine
Learning Outcomes
- The participants of the course should know the physiology and pathophysiology of acute and chronic pain.
- They should be able to take a specific pain history and learn how to assess pain and other symptoms. Furthermore, they should be able to create an interdisciplinary therapy plan.
- They should be able to use pain medication in a mechanism-oriented way.
- They should know the most important non-pharmacological treatment methods.
- They should be able to treat acute pain, simple neuropathic pain, tumor pain and headaches adequately.
- They should know the most important interdisciplinary therapy strategies for chronic back pain.
- They should also familiarize themselves with self-help strategies of patients taught by Pete Moore in our course.
How to apply
Please note: Application is now closed!
- EFIC offer 15 places per Pain School free of charge via a grant. For the chosen 15 applicants, all teaching and related activities are provided for free, along with accommodation and meals. The only significant cost these applicants should expect to pay is their travel.
- The application deadline is 31 May 2022. Candidates will be notified by the end of June 2022.
- All applications are evaluated by the European Pain Federation EFIC® Committee on Education and approved by the Executive Board.