EFIC Pain School on Cancer Pain and Palliative Care

General information
16 – 19 May 2023
University Medical Center Maribor, Department of Oncology, Ljubljanska 5, Maribor 2000, Slovenia
Medical Faculty University Maribor, Taborska 8, Maribor 2000, Slovenia
Course Organisers: Nevenka Krčevski Škvarč (MFUM; UCC MB), Barbara Kosmina Štefančič (SZZB), Maja Ebert Moltara (SZPHO), Bart Morlion (EFIC), Brona Fullen (EFIC)
Organising Committee: Nevenka Krčevski Škvarč (UCC MB, SZZB), Neli Vinter (SZZB), Andrej Žist (UCCMB, SZPHO)
Focus of this EFIC Pain School:
This inter-professional school will focus on:
- pain management for patients with cancer and those surviving cancer
- palliative care for patients with cancer.
The school aims to develop skills of assessing and treating pain in patients with cancer disease. The emphasis is on a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to manage pain originated from cancer and its treatment. The program of the school aligns with the EFIC Curricula and is designed as interactive with lectures, practical sessions, case presentations, videos, interview and surveys. The lecturers from all over Europe are experts in the field of pain medicine, oncology and palliative care.
Please view the programme here.
- Prof Bart Morlion, MD, PhD, Director of the Leuven Centre for Algology and Pain Management, University Hospitals Leuven
- Prof Dr Brona Fullen, Belfield Campus Dublin
- Prof Elon Eisenberg, MD, PhD, Director of Pain Research Unit, Institute of Pain Medicine Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa
- Prof Andreas Kopf, MD, PhD,
- Dr Manohar LR Sharma, MD, PhD, Consultant in Pain Medicine, Walton Centre, Liverpool
- Dr Silviu Brill, MD, Institute for Pain Medicine, Sourasky Medical Centre Tel Aviv
- Prof Magdalena Kocot Kepska, MD, Department of research and Treatment, Medical College, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
- Dr Maja Ebert, MD, Medical Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
- Prof Rudolf Likar, MD, PhD, Director of ZISOP, Clinic Klagenfurt
- Prof. Andreas Kopf, MD, PhD, Department of Anesthesiology. Charite Medical Universty, Berlin
- Ass Prof Nevenka Krčevski Škvarč, MD, MS, PhD, Department of Oncology, University Medical Centre Maribor, Head of Institute for Palliative Medicine and Care, Faculty of Medicine of University Maribor
Invited Speakers
- Ass Prof Stefan Wirz, MD, Abteilung für Anaesthesia, Interdisziplinare Intensivmedizin, Schmerzmedizin/Palliativmedizin, Centrum für Schmerzmedizin, CURA, Siebengebirge
- Ass Prof Scaba Degi, PhD, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca
- Prof Gabriella Pravettoni, PhD, Department of Oncology and Hemato-oncology, University of Milano
- Dr Jernej Benedik, MD, Medical Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
- Prof Vaneja Velenik, MD, PhD, Radiation Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
- Dr Maja Ravnik, Department for Oncology, University Medical Centre Maribor
- Dr Marijana Bernodt, RN, Medical Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
- Dr Gregor Prosen, MD, Emergency Centre, University Medical Centre Maribor
- Ass Prof Maja Šeruga, MD PhD, Department of Oncology, University Medical Centre Maribor
- DR Andrej Žist, MD, Department of Oncology, University Medical Centre Maribor
- Dr Vesna Ribarič Zupanc, MD, Department of Oncology, University Medical Centre Maribor
- Dr Jure Verbančič, MD, Department of Oncology, University Medical Centre Maribor
- Dr Tamara Petrun, MD, Department of Oncology, University Medical Centre Maribor
- Dr Marija Ivanovič, MD, Department of Oncology, University Medical Centre Maribor
- Dr Barbara Kosmina Štefančič, MD, Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Medicine and Pain Treatment, General Hospital Izola
- Dr Gorazd Požlep, MD, Pain Center, University Clinical Center Ljubljana
Target Audience
- All professions involved in pain management of patients with cancer, cancer survivors and palliative care.
Learning Outcomes
- Be able to understand cancer pain
- Be informed on the approaches for cancer pain management
- Discuss the use of conventional and adjuvant analgesics
- Discuss the meaning and significance of thew WHO analgesic ladder
- Be able to recognize the need and principles of palliative care
- Recognise the need for team management and inter-disciplinary collaboration
- Recognise the problems faced by cancer survivors and management principles
How to apply
Application for this Pain School is now closed. Candidates will be notified in late March 2023.
- Candidates should apply via EFIC centrally. Please note that for this pain school, your level of English needs to be at least C1 or higher according to the CEFR standard.
- EFIC offer 15 places for this Pain School free of charge via a grant. For the chosen 15 applicants, all teaching and related activities are provided for free, along with accommodation and meals. The only significant cost these applicants should expect to pay is their travel.
- The remaining 10 places will be self-funded, with a fee payable to the Pain School organisers of 600 euros excl. VAT (includes coffee breaks, lunches and dinner). If you are interested in more information about this option, please contact nevenka.krcevski.skvarc@amis.net.
- All applications are evaluated by the European Pain Federation EFIC® Committee on Education and approved by the Executive Board.