EFIC Pain School on Translational Pain Research

General information
26-30 June 2024
Hotel Galaxy, ul. Gęsia 22a, 31-535 Kraków
Course Organisers: Barbara Przewłocka, Luis Villanueva, Ryszard Przewłocki and Katarzyna Starowicz
Attal Nadine Paris, France
Bannister Kirsty London, UK
Bąbel Przemysław Kraków, Poland
Bouhassira Didier Boulogne Billancourt, France
Colocca Luana Baltimore, USA
Eijkelkamp Niels Utrecht, The Netherlands
Garcia-Larrea Luis Lyon, France
Guida Francesca Naples, Italy
Hansson Per Stockholm, Sweden
Hoegh Morten Aalborg, Denmark
Kalso Eija Helsinki, Finland
Kopf Andreas Berlin, Germany
Obara Ilona Newcastle, UK
Rivat Cyril Montpellier, France
Segelcke Daniel Munster, Germany
Villanueva Luis Paris, France
Yalcin Ipek Strasbourg, France
Focus of this EFIC Pain School:
To develop skills on translational pain research for the purpose of building research projects based on the latest knowledge on physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology of pain, based on bi-directional translational studies.
Main topics:
Nociplastic pain; neuropathic pain; primary musculoskeletal pain; central modulation of pain mechanisms; the role of gut microbiota in pain regulation; neurobiology of the placebo effect; sleep and pain; chronic pain and mood disorders; the immune system in control of pain; neuromodulation-based analgesia; translational aspects of pain
Target Audience
The course is open to anesthetists, pharmacists, researchers, nurses, physiotherapists, and quality assurance specialists in the early-middle stages of their careers. Preference will be given to attendees who are aiming to be future leaders in their field/country/hospital in the area of chronic pain management. We expect that learners will take it upon themselves to disseminate the knowledge and experience they gained during the course, among their peers.
Learning Outcomes
- Review mechanisms of acute pain, inflammatory and neuropathic pain
- Introduction to animals and human experimental pain models and pain assessment – hands on expertise
- Pain therapy and new perspectives emerging from basic research; translational pain research
- Evaluate options for research in chronic pain.
- The pain schools have practical and theoretical courses covering the whole curriculum and helping the participants to prepare themselves for the European Diploma Pain Medicine (EDPM) and to foster the interest, knowledge and expertise in the field of pain.
How to apply
Application for this EFIC Pain School is now closed! The deadline for registration was 2 April 2024. However, participation in the school is also possible as a self-paying attendee; the registration fee is 900 Euro. This fee includes hotel accommodation, meals, and participation in all activities included in the school’s program. Please email Katarzyna Starowicz-Bubak starow@if-pan.krakow.pl or Barbara Przewlocka barbara.przewlocka@gmail.com to find out more.
- Please note that for this pain school, your level of English needs to be at least C1 or higher according to the CEFR standard.
- EFIC offer 15 places for this Pain School free of charge via a grant. For the chosen 15 applicants, all teaching and related activities are provided free of charge, along with accommodation and meals. The only significant cost these applicants should expect to pay is their travel.
- Participation in the school is also possible as a self-paying attendee; the registration fee is 900 Euro. This fee includes hotel accommodation, meals, and participation in all activities included in the school’s program. Please email Katarzyna Starowicz-Bubak starow@if-pan.krakow.pl or Barbara Przewlocka barbara.przewlocka@gmail.com to find out more.
- As EFIC Pain Schools aim to focus specifically on interprofessionalism, applications from nurses and physiotherapists are especially encouraged.
- All applications are evaluated by the European Pain Federation EFIC® Committee on Education and approved by the Executive Board.