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Instructions for #EFIC2025 Speakers

Please find below important information for all #EFIC2025 speakers. Many thanks for your contribution in making our 14th Pain in Europe Congress in Lyon a success.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Speaker Ready Room

The Speaker Ready room is located on Level Lumière of the Congress Centre (visible signage will be there to direct you).

Please make sure to check in and upload your PPT in the Speaker Ready Room at least two hours before the start of your session. The organizers cannot guarantee a projection of presentations handed in later than two hours prior to the sessions. In case of any unexpected delays, urgencies or changes – please notify us at

Apart from the ppt upload, the Speaker Ready Room offers the opportunity to:

  • Inform the scientific team staff member of any changes in your session
  • Review and make last-minute changes to your presentation
  • Consult with the technical staff on site


Speaker Ready Room opening hours:

Wednesday, 23 April 2025 14:00 – 18:00
Thursday, 24 April 2025 07:30 – 19:30
Friday, 25 April 2025 07:30 – 18:30
Saturday, 26 April 2025 07:30 – 18:30
#EFIC2025 Slide Template

Please click below to download your presentation template with disclosure slide. Kindly note that you are required to use one of the CoI disclosure slides at the beginning of your Power Point presentation (as a second slide) declaring that you:

  1. a) have no conflicts of interest; or
  2. b) have conflicts of interest (as listed in the slide).

You are free to select from the slides in the template (with EFIC2025 branding) to create your presentation.

download the EFIC2025 PPT template

Click here to download the “no photo” icon

COI Slide

PLEASE NOTE: All speakers are requested to inlude a slide disclosing conflicts of interest at the beginning of their presentation.

Please find a template here.

Session Rooms

Each session room is equipped with:

  • Video projector
  • Lectern with microphone
  • Laser pointer
  • Laptop with operating system Windows 10 (English)
  • Remote control for PowerPoint


Please note that the seating setup of parallel 5 and 6 (where the Debate Workshops and the Demonstration Workshops are hosted) have a different configuration to other parallels. To increase interactivity and engagement during these workshops, we have set up the rooms in a semi-circle format.

Scientific Programme

An up-to-date scientific program, including the dates and times of presentations, can be found here.

Presentation Guidelines

Please make sure to reacquaint yourself with the programme of the workshop (content, order, format and invited speakers’ talks). Please consult the up-to date scientific programme here and prepare your presentation accordingly. Make sure to contact us in advance should any adjustment be required.  Please note that following the speaker’s presentation time has been reserved in all workshops for a joint discussion.

To ensure that the technical aspects of the session run smoothly, all presentations should be prepared according to the guidelines below. It is essential that:

  • the correct format is used
  • the presentation is uploaded on time in the Speaker Ready Room, at least two hours before the start of your session.
  • you prepare and save your presentation on a USB memory stick, and as a backup, a 2nd portable medium and bring these with you to the Speaker Ready Room Onsite. We recommend that you label these materials with your name, session name, session date and presentation name.

Technical details

  • Please use Microsoft PowerPoint (*.pptx or ppt), OpenOffice/LibreOffice Impress, PREZI or Adobe PDF presentations would be accepted as well. If you use MS PowerPoint, we recommend that you save your PowerPoint presentation using .ppt- or .pptx-format and not .pps or .ppsx
  • All presentations will be presented in 16:9 format. The 4:3 ratio is possible but not recommended.
  • Use of high contrast lettering and fonts, minimum size of 32p, high contrast layouts like light text on dark colours. Only fonts which are included in the basic installation of MS-Windows 10 will be available (English version of Windows). Use of other fonts not included in Windows can cause the wrong layout / style of your presentation.
  • We recommend you make your slides as concise as possible by keeping texts short and avoiding too many bullet points.

Pictures and videos

  • Save the picture you want to use as a JPG or PNG, set compression/quality to medium or high.
  • It is mandatory to test your presentation with the on-site PC in the Speaker Ready Room several hours before your presentation. MPEG-4 format should work, but test is recommended.
  • Movies or videos that require additional reading or projection equipment (e.g. DVD or BluRay player) will not be accepted.
  • Save the pictures/videos used in your presentation separately on USB memory stick. In case of problems, we can re-insert the original items.
  • Be careful to respect all author’s rights and to exclude data and/or graphic images which could reveal the patient’s identity without specific consent.