#EFIC2025 Latest Industry Innovations
Thursday, 24 April 2025
12.30-14.00 CET – Forum 1
Neuropathic Pain: Pain Intensity and Beyond
Moderator: Ralf Baron
- Risk factors and biopsychosocial determinants for neuropathic pain, Prof. Crombez
- Understanding the impact beyond pain with a topical TRPV1 agonist for PNP: Clinical trial data, Prof. Viel
- The impact beyond pain in pDPN: Benefits of topical treatment, Dr Kender
This Symposium is organised and supported by:
12.30-14.00 CET – Pasteur Lounge
Introducing Haleon Pain Management Institute. A deep dive into the patient journey – Is Pain an accelerator of ageing?
- HPMI Introduction, Mukesh Kumar (Haleon)
- Pain & Ageing, Preeti Kachroo (Haleon), Dr. Serge Perrot (France)
This Symposium is organised and supported by:
Friday, 25 April 2025
12.30-14.00 CET – Forum 1
Beyond pain phenotypes: dissecting mixed pain
Moderator: Prof. Rainer Freynhagen
- Missunderstandings and potential opportunities: not all pain is created equal, Rainer Freynhagen, Munich, Germany, 12.15-12.35
- Sensory profiles and phenotypes: the never-ending search for distinctive mechanisms, Daniel Ciampi de Andrade, Aalborg, Denmark,12.35- 12.55
- Why clinical skills matter: the vital importance of providing an accurate diagnosis, Ralf Baron, Kiel, Germany, 12.55-13.15
- How to unleash the potential of an effective medication management, Bart Morlion, Leuven, Belgium, 13.15-13.35
- Open Discussion, 13.35-13.50
This Symposium is organised and supported by:
12.30-14.00 CET – Forum 2
VER-01: A New Chapter in CLBP Treatment?
- VER-01 – From Concept to Therapeutic Application (15 min)
- Challenges in Current Drug Pain Therapy for CLBP (15 min)
- Pivotal Phase 3 Data on the Efficacy and Safety of VER-01 in CLBP (20 min)
- Panel Discussion (20 min)
This Symposium is organised and supported by:
12.45-13.45 CET – Pasteur Lounge
EXOPULSE MOLLII SUIT – a new multisite transcutaneous electrostimulation device: technical aspect, mechanisms of action and effects on diffuse pain
- Speaker 1: Samar S. Ayache
Institut de la Colonne Vértébrale et des NeuroSciences (ICVNS), Paris, France
EA4391 Excitabilité Nerveuse & Thérapeutique, Université Paris Est Créteil, France
Department of Neurology, Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine, Byblos, Lebanon
Unité de Neurophysiologie Clinique, DMU FIxIT, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP), Créteil, France
- Speaker 2: Joseph G. Mattar
Institut de la Colonne Vértébrale et des NeuroSciences (ICVNS), Paris, France
Excitabilité Nerveuse & Thérapeutique, Université Paris Est Créteil, France
Description : TENS has shown benefits in pain management1,2, though has challenges at home or in clinical practice. “Classic” TENS, with only two or four electrodes, usually does not meet patients’ expectations, especially those suffering from diffuse, hemibody, or bilateral lower limb pain.
Hence, Exopulse Mollii Suit – an innovative noninvasive electrostimulation device – composed of a control unit and garments, with fifty-eight embedded electrodes, represents an attractive nonpharmacological approach to reduce pain and optimize motor functions.
We will present the technical aspects, mechanisms of action, and recent studies results on diffuse pain, followed by a practical demonstration of the device.
This workshop is organised and supported by:
Saturday, 26 April 2025
12.30-14.00 CET – Forum 2
Advancing Pain Therapy: The Clinical Impact of Once-Daily Sustained-Release Pregabalin
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Rainer Freynhagen
- Beyond Immediate-Release: Mechanisms, Advantages & Clinical Considerations, Dr. Rainer Freynhagen, Center for Anesthesiology, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine, Pain Center Starnberger See, Benedictus Hospitals Tutzing and Feldafing & Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Balancing Efficacy and Safety: Smarter Dosing, Better Outcomes?, Dr. Ralf Baron, Department of Neurology, Neurological Pain Research and Therapy, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany
This Symposium is organised and supported by: