To have your educational event endorsed by the European Pain Federation please consult our criteria for endorsement.
The European Headache Federation will hold, from 3 to 5 July 2020 in Berlin, the 14th European Headache Federation Congress. Here you can find the program Here the link of the event:
The 28th European Congress of Psychiatry, EPA 2020 goes virtual.
30th Annual Meeting of the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) CANCELLED More information about the event here:
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan aims to address cancer across the EU, setting out areas of focus and priorities for Commission action, which supports EU Member States. As part of the consultation process, the European Commission is inviting stakeholders to participate in a virtual town hall meeting where key findings emerging from the consultation will be […]
Join the EFIC-Grunenthal-Grant webinar! It will take place on 11 September 2020 at 11.30 am CEST. Find out how it can impact your career in pain research and ask questions of a previous E-G-G winner. Register to the webinar here
Download the program of the congress here
The European Pain Federation EFIC with the support of the Pain Relief Foundation organizes the Winter Cancer Pain School in Liverpool from 6th to 9th October 2020.
The 2nd Joint Congress of the INS European Chapters (e-INS 2020) will take place on October 15-17, 2020 in Paris, France. This is a multidisciplinary forum for colleagues from around the world to meet and discuss a variety of topics, generating stimulating debates and fruitful collaborations. Join leading experts and other allied healthcare professionals for this outstanding opportunity […]
Date and Time: 2020-10-21 and 2020-10-24: Online 2020-10-22 and 2020-10-23: Mannheim, Germany