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The European Federation of Pain EFIC condemns without ambiguity the horrific acts of violence committed by Hamas on Saturday 7 October in Israel. Over one thousand people have died and many more were injured during an attack of unprecedented scale and brutality, which should be condemned by all civilized humans. EFIC expresses its deepest condolences to the victims and their families. EFIC is also extremely concerned about all hostages seized, whose health and medical needs must be addressed, and strongly call for their safe release. We express our solidarity with the Israeli Pain Society, whose members are working hard to alleviate the suffering of all victims, whatever their origin or religion.

We also demand that Israel’s legitimate response should not amount to collective punishment of the people of Gaza, where some 2 million people live in fear, deprived of access to basic services and care, and where over 2500 people have died and many more are injured. EFIC urges all parties to ensure sustained humanitarian access for supplies and medicines that are urgently needed.