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We are thrilled to announce that EFIC has recently been accredited by UEMS-EACCME for numerous medical modules available on our education platform. To earn credits, learners are required to complete each module. This involves engaging with all instructional videos, reading the compulsory reading material, completing the associated quiz, and providing feedback as a learner. After successfully completing these requirements, a personalised certificate will be automatically generated for you.

Keep an eye out for the symbol next to the titles of accredited modules within the platform’s overview section.

Additional accreditation approaches for other professions are being explored.

Are you already an #EFICAcademy member? Find out more about the benefits below:

  • Free attendance to the EFIC Virtual Pain Education Summit of the year in which the membership is active.
  • Reduced fees for the EFIC Congress “Pain in Europe”. A 10% reduction of the registration fee (excluded VAT) is available to all EFIC Academy members.
  • Reduced fees for the EFIC exams. A 25% reduction of the examination fees (excluded VAT) is available to all EFIC Academy members.
  • Open access to the highest quality online pain education material on our online education platform.
  • Open access to the European Journal of Pain.
  • The possibility of learning from and studying with your peers and with leading European educators.