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The 14th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, taking place in Lyon, France, from 24–26 April 2025, offers an extensive programme exploring the intersection of pain and mental health. At #EFIC2025, expert-led sessions will address psychological aspects of pain management, including pain as a comorbidity of mental health disorders, the role of interoception in chronic pain, and the impact of trauma on pain perception. Attendees will gain insights into psychological interventions, multidisciplinary self-management strategies, and the latest research on the connections between pain, emotions, and cognition. Join us in Lyon to deepen your understanding of the psychological dimensions of pain and enhance your clinical practice with evidence-based approaches.


These sessions focus on psychologists  #EFIC2025:

Type Name Speaker
  Early-Life Experiences and Chronic Pain

Chair: Nadia Malliou, Belgium

Mélanie Noel, Canada

  Early-Career Plenary: Pain as a Comorbidity of Mental Health Disorders

Chair: Sabrina Grundtner, Austria

Chair: Madeleine Hau, Switzerland

Keira Johnston, United States

Léa Becker, United States

  How Side Effects may Improve Analgesic Treatment Efficacy

Chair: Susanne Becker, Germany

Christian Büchel, Germany

  Plenary Debate: Nociplastic Pain

Chair: Mira Meeus, Belgium

Chair: Fernando Cervero, Canada

Winfried Häuser, Germany

Eva Kosek, Sweden

Fusao Kato, Japan

Refresher Courses    
  Clinical Masterclass: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Strengthen Self Management for Patients with Chronic Pain

Nadja Nestler, Austria

Marlies den Hollander, Netherlands

Kerstin Luedtke, Italy

  Clinical Masterclass: Self-report tools for Psychological Constructs

Edmund Keogh, United Kingdom

Dimitri Van Ryckeghem, Netherlands

  Clinical Masterclass: Physical Activity and Multimorbidity – How to Bridge the Intention-Behaviour Gap

Chair: Harriet Wittink, Netherlands

Annick De Paepe, Netherlands

James Timmons, Ireland

An De Groef, Belgium

Topical Workshops    
  Exploring the Intersection of the Lived Experience of Depression and Chronic Pain

Christopher Veal, France

Chris Djurtoft, Denmark

Lance M. McCracken, Sweden

Poster Presenter: Isabelle Rouch, France

  Revisiting the Reward System in Pain-Depression Comorbidity: The Role of Perceived Controllability and Uncertainty

Chair: Wiebke Gandhi, United Kingdom

Wiebke Gandhi, United Kingdom

Susanne Becker, Germany

Ali Khatibi, United Kingdom

  Understanding and Addressing Health Inequalities in Pain Care: Strategies for Promoting Inclusivity and Mental Health

Liesbet Goubert, Belgium

Edmund Keogh, United Kingdom

Sónia Bernardes, Portugal

Adam Hirsh , United States

  Pain in Human Foetuses and Children: Insights into how Early Life Pain is Experienced and Assessed

Chair: Camille Fauchon, France

Judith Kappesser, Germany

Lisandra Stein Bernardes,  Denmark

Siloé Corvin, France

Christine Chambers, Canada

  Interoception: Bridging Chronic Pain and Mental Health? Exploring New Insights and Intervention Opportunities Throughout the Lifespan

Lauren Heathcote, United Kingdom

Tanja Hechler, Germany

Fadel Zeidan, United States

  The Paradox of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Why Do People Cut Themselves Because or in Spite of Pain?

Christian Schmahl, Germany

Ulf Baumgärtner, Germany

Caterina Maria Leone, Italy

  Interdisciplinary Approaches to Prevent and Treat the Impact(s) of Psychological, Racism-Based, and Socio-Political Trauma on Youth and Families with Pain

Chair: Sarah Nelson, United States

Richelle Mychasiuk, Australia

Anna Hood, United Kingdom

  The Interplay between Pain and Mental Health Disturbances in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities from the Lab to the Real World

Irit Weissman-Fogel, Israel

Frank Symons, United States

Brian McGuire, Ireland

  Connecting Emotions, Brain, and Body in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as a Model for Pain Chronification after Trauma

Heike Rittner, Germany

Eija Kalso, Finland

Paul Geha, United States

Poster Presenter: Amir Minerbi, Israel

  Psychological Phenotyping in Chronic Pain: Methodological and Clinical Implications

Gabrielle Pagé, Canada

Lance M. McCracken, Sweden

Anne Masselin-Dubois, France

  Novel Psychological Mechanisms In Chronic Pain: A Focus on Stickiness, Expectation Change and Effort-based Decision Making

Laura Carter, United Kingdom

Tobias Kube, Germany

Stefaan Van Damme, Belgium

  Appraisals of Injustice in Chronic Pain: Mechanisms, Implications, and Associations with Mental Health

Gadi Gilam, Israel

Zina Trost, United States

Maisa Ziadni, United States

  Navigating Pain and Mental Health during War

Chair: Luis Garcia-Larrea, France

Pavel Goldstein, Haifa

 Dmytro Dmytriiev, Ukraine

Thalia Richter, Germany

  Post-Trauma-Related Amputation Pain: The Challenges of Researching and Treating the Bio-Psycho-Social Features of its Pain

Ruth Zaslansky, Germany

Tamar Makin, United Kingdom

Jannie Van Der Merwe, United Kingdom

Volodymyr Romanenko, Ukraine