Get ready for a celebration of pain science and education at the next EFIC Congress – Pain in Europe XIV in Lyon, France, from April 24-26, 2025! Under André Mouraux’s visionary theme, “Comorbidity of chronic pain and mental health disorders: Breaking the cycle,” our #EFIC2025 scientific program promises immersive in-person sessions, engaging interactions, and thought-provoking discussions. Don’t miss out on the largest international scientific congress in pain in 2025! Join us for #EFIC2025 in Lyon as we celebrate, learn, and break new ground in the quest to understand chronic pain and mental health comorbidity.
Registration will open in June 2024.
Please note:
- Prices excluding VAT. Terms and conditions will be published with the opening of registration in June 2024.
- “Supported countries” refers to all low and lower middle income countries shown here, along with Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Kosovo, Turkey.