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We are pleased to announce that workshop submission for the EFIC Congress 2025 – Pain in Europe XIV is now open! We look forward to receiving your suggestion for a session that considers relevance, general interest, quality of speakers, and balance of gender and nationality. The theme for #EFIC2025 is ‘Comorbidity of chronic pain and mental health disorders: Breaking the cycle’. Chronic pain and mental health disorders (such as major depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder) are interconnected public health issues with growing prevalence often coexisting and worsening each other’s impact.

For #EFIC2025, the Scientific Programme Committee has decided to offer 3 different formats of Scientific Sessions:

Topical Workshop

A topical workshop is a session presenting basic, translational or clinical research specific to a topic.

Debate Workshop

A debate workshop is a session designed to facilitate discussion and debate on a topic for which there may be divergent views or where the novelty of the field invites hypothesis.

Demonstration (hands-off) Workshop

Demonstration workshops aim to showcase clinical skills and hands-on techniques relevant to multidisciplinary pain management, including pain assessment, patient communication, body awareness and specific therapeutic/ diagnostic approaches.


Submit your proposals now to be part of the most dynamic pain science congress in 2025!