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This year, on the third weekend of June, we had the opportunity to join the SIG Pediatric Pain of IASP and to hold our annual Congress 2019 on the Education Day of the ISPP 2019.

In order to bring our society closer to the 250 participants of the Education Day (45% of them from Switzerland), we placed ourselves with a booth between our sponsors.

After the official program, our General Assembly took place with some eagerly awaited decisions.

Among other things, it was decided that the SGSS, SSED, ASSD, SASP (4 different languages) will in the future only be called SPS “Swiss Pain Society” and corresponding changes will be made in the statutes.

The official change of our appearance with the new name (logo, relaunch website, stationery, etc.) will be implemented over the next months.

Each member will have the opportunity to send in a logo idea and participate in the creative part of the name change.


Dr. Med. Konrad Maurer – SPS President