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#EFIC2023 Late-Breaking Abstract submission EXTENDED!

#EFIC2023 Late-Breaking Abstract submission EXTENDED!

We are pleased to announce that the deadline for #EFIC2023 abstract submission has been extended, giving you more time to submit your work and have the chance to showcase your research and receive valuable feedback.   FINAL Late-Breaking Abstract Submission...

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What is the meaning of Chronic Primary Pain?

What is the meaning of Chronic Primary Pain?

Chronic primary pain (CPP) is term that has been implemented in the latest revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), which came into effect in 2022. Following this, the European Pain Federation EFIC has put together information on the...

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Pain and Nursing: International World Day of Nurses 2023

Pain and Nursing: International World Day of Nurses 2023

The International Day of the Nurse is celebrated annually on 12 May. It is a day designated to recognize the contributions that nurses make to society, and to raise awareness of the importance of nursing as a profession. Each year, the International Council of Nurses...

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#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Debate Workshops

#EFIC2023 Programme Spotlight: Debate Workshops

"When in doubt, debate it out." This is what the #EFIC2023 Scientific Programme Committee thought when they came up with a new workshop format for this year's EFIC Congress - Pain in Europe XIII. The #EFIC2023 Debate Workshops are designed to facilitate discussion and...

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