Executive Board
The Executive Board is the main decision-making body of the European Pain Federation EFIC. It is made up of 6 members, elected by the Councillors of the Federation. The Executive Board meet 4-5 times per year and define the key projects and policies of the Federation.

Luis Garcia-Larrea

Esther Pogatzki-Zahn
President Elect

Caterina Aurilio
Honorary Secretary

Patrice Forget
Honorary Treasurer

Joanne O'Brien Kelly
Member at large

Daniele Batelli
Member at Large
Core Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs

Indre Bileviciute-Ljungar
Chair, Education

Victor Mayoral Rojals
Vice-Chair, Education

Esther Pogatzki-Zahn
Chair, Research

Daniel Ciampi Araujo de Andrade
Vice-Chair, Research

Patrice Forget
Chair, Advocacy and Liaison

Joanne O'Brien Kelly
Vice-Chair, Advocacy and Liaison