National Chapters of EFIC

Shoqata Shqiptare E Dhimbjes - Albanian Pain Association - APA
- Address
Shoqata Shqiptare e Dhimbjes Bulevardi Gjergj FISHTA, Godina Prizma, P
- Fax
- 00355 4 247474
- Governance
Prof. Tritan Shehu, Prof. Engjell Mastori, Prof.Sokrat Meksi, Prof.Dine Abazi, Prof.Pellumb Karagjozi, Prof. Panajot Boga
- EFIC Councillor
Apostol Vaso

National Association of Pain Medicine (NAPM)
- Website
- Governance
- Avetis Avetisyan, MD, PhD, MBA, Neurologist, Founding President and National Association of Pain Medicine (Chapter President). Email:
- Khachik Petrosyan, MD, Vice President and Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Nare Hambardzumyan, MD, Secretary and Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Armen Voskanyan, Biophysicist, Candidate of biological sciences, Advisor to the President on Science and Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Petros Manukyan, MD, Surgeon, Healthcare Organizer, Advisor to the President on Public Health and Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Meline Tovmasyan, MD, Endocrinologist, Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Stepan Grigoryan, MD, DSCI, Professor, Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Karen Galoyan, MD, PhD, Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Nelson Harutyunyan, MD, Anesthesiologist-reanimatologist, Spine specialist, Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Karen Tonoyan, MD, Anesthesiologist-reanimatologist, Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
- Sevak Badalyan, MD, Neurosurgeon, Board Member of National Association of Pain Medicine. Email:
The National Association of Pain Medicine (NAPM) was founded in March 2020 by Dr. Avetis Avetisyan MD, PhD, MBA, a neurologist and current President of NAPM. Dr. Avetisyan has been dealing with issues of Pain Medicine since 2010, being a clinical resident. His PhD thesis is devoted to the Quality of Life and Mental Health of Patients with Neuropathic Pain. His master’s thesis in business administration is dedicated to the creation and development of pain centers in Armenia, and he managed to create one such center. Unfortunately, the creation of the Association in 2020 coincided with the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Armenia and the problems related to it. In the background of that, a number of strategic issues became more important and the NAPM team could not demonstrate the activities it was planning. However, starting from 2022, it actively began to gather new momentum.
Mission: The Comprehensive and Global Development of Pain Medicine in Armenia.
• Ethical and legal regulation of the educational and scientific-practical sphere of Pain Medicine.
• Creation of an Evidence-Based and modern School of Pain.
• Consolidation of Pain Specialists.
• Publicizing the Problem and Burden of Pain
• Development of a Comprehensive National Strategic Plan for Pain Management
- EFIC Councillor
Avetis Avetisyan

Österreichische Schmerzgesellschaft - ÖSG
- Address
ÖSG Sekretariat Liechtensteinstr. 46a A-1090 Wien
- Phone
- +43 (0)1 319437843
- Fax
- +43 (0)1 319437820
- Website
- Governance
A.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Eisner
E: President
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Crevenna, MBA, MMSc
OÄ Dr. Waltraud Stromer
E: waltraud.stromer@horn.lknoe.atGeneral Secretary
Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Likar, MSc
E: rudolf.likar@kabeg.atSecretary
Prim. Mag. Dr. Gregor Kienbacher, MSc
E: kienbacher@theresienhof.atTreasurer
Prim. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Nenad Mitrovic
E: nenad.mitrovic@ooeg.atEFIC-Councillor
OA Dr. Wolfgang Jaksch DEAA
- EFIC Councillor
Dr. Wolfgang Jaksch
Belarus Pain Society
- Governance
President: Hapanovich Siarhei
Vice President: Tsopau Dzmitry
Secretary: Krachkouskaya Valiantina
- EFIC Councillor
Hapanovich Siarhei

Belgian Pain Society vzw/asbl
- Address
UZ Leuven – c/o LAC Weligerveld 1 B, Leuven
- Website
- Governance
Prof Guy HANS, President
Dr Quentin VERWACHT, Vice-President
Dr Bert VANNESTE, Secretary-General
Dr Ruben DE VOS, Treasurer
Dr Koen VAN BOXEM, Counsellor Scientific Affairs (Scientific Officer)
Mrs Nadine CHARD’HOMME, Counsellor Scientific Affairs
Mrs Régine HERMANS, Counsellor Scientific Affairs
- EFIC Councillor
Koen Van Boxem

- Address
Alekse Santica 1 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Phone
- 0038733203257
- Governance
President: Ivan Keser, MD
Vice President: Goran Cerkez, MD
Secretary: Mr Nedim Ahmetagic
Council: Zoran Karlovic, MD; Dzemal Pecar, Prof. MD; Ismet Suljevic, Prof.MD;
- EFIC Councillor
Ivan Keser

Bulgarian Association for Study and Treatment of Pain
- Phone
- 00359 2 9230 570
- Website
- Governance
President: Prof. Nikolai Petrov, MD
Vice President: Ass. Prof. Atanas Temelkov; Prof. Mila Vlaskovska
Secretary: Dr. Rumiana Kostadinova
- EFIC Councillor
Ralitsa Marinova

The Croatian Pain Society
- Address
University Hospital Osijek J. Huttlera 4 31000 Osijek Croatia
- Phone
- 00385 917974306
- Website
- Governance
President: Dino Budrovac, MD, PHD
Vice President: Prim. Mira Fingler, MD
Secretary: Ivan Omrcen
Treasurer: Hrvoje Cernohorski, MD
- EFIC Councillor
Dino Budrovac
Czech Republic
Czech Pain Society - SSLB
- Address
Czech Pain Society Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Normal Pat
- Phone
- 00420 224 923 827
- Website
- Governance
President: Ass. prof. Jiøí Kozák MD., PhD
Vice President: Jan Lejcko MD. and Marek Hakl MD., PhD.
Scientific Secretary General: Ass. prof. Tomas Gabrhelik, MD. PhD
Treasurer: Ivan Vrba, MD. PhD.
Council: Ass. prof. Jiri Kozak MD., PhD., Jan Lejcko MD., Marek Hakl MD., PhD., Ass. prof. Tomas Gabrhelik, MD. PhD, Radovan Hrib MD., Natasa Popperova MD, .Dana Vondracková MD., Ivan Vrba, MD. PhD., Jana Hrubesova MD, Jitka Fricova,MD.PhD- Council
- Ass. prof. Jiri Kozak MD., PhD., Jan Lejcko MD., Marek Hakl MD., PhD., Ass. prof. Tomas Gabrhelik, MD. PhD, Radovan Hrib MD., Natasa Popperova MD, .Dana Vondracková MD., Ivan Vrba, MD. PhD., Jana Hrubesova MD, Jitka Fricova,MD.PhD,
- EFIC Councillor
Simon Kozák M.D.
Danish Pain Society
- Address
Dansk Smerteforum c/o BDP, Bredgade 28, DK-1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark
- Website
- Governance
President: Nina Kvorning
Vice President: Thomas Graven-Nielsen
Secretary: Laila Bendix
Treasurer: Mette Mebus Lausten, Clinical Nurse, Master
Member at Large: Susanne Haase Hansson
Webmaster: Anne-Marie Heegaard, Associate Professor, MD, MhD- Council
- Hanne Bertnes Raheim, MSc Borrik Schjodt, MSc Terje Engan, MD, DMedSci Prof. Harald Breivik Mrs. Astrid Woodhouse Mrs. Marte Skagseth Dr. Olav Magnus Fredheim Marit Leegaard Arnstein Finset Asta Myhre
- EFIC Councillor
Thomas Graven-Nielsen
- Governance
President: Boris Gabovits MD –
Secretary: Merle Paliale
Treasurer: Svetlana Ussova
Council: Mark Braschinsky, Mare Kolk, Katrin Gross-Paju, Maksim Kunevits
- EFIC Councillor
Kaire Pakkonen

Finnish Association for the Study of Pain
- Address
Pain Clinic, Turku University Hospital, PO Box 52, 20521 Turku Finland
- Phone
- 00 358 231 31 269
- Website
- Governance
President: Maiju Marttinen, MD, PhD
Vice President: Anette Lemström
Secretary General: Anita Saariaho, MD, PhD
Treasurer: Anu PorttiMedia: Marika Karppinen, RN
Council: Suvi Viljakainen, Riitta Rosio, MD, PHD
- EFIC Councillor
Marion Wuestefeld

SFETD - Société Française d'Etude et de Traitement de la Douleur
- Address
SFETD – 55, rue Bellecombe – 69006 Lyon – France
- Phone
- 33-4-92037946 or 33-6-87443097
- Website
- Governance
President : SERRA Eric MD, PhD – Psychiatry
Vice President : MOISSET Xavier MD, PhD Neurology
Secretary : D’USSEL Marguerite MD – Pain Medicine
Joint-Secretary : ANDERSON LIBIER Hélène RN
Treasurer : POISBEAU Pierrick PhD – Neuroscience
Joint-Treasurer : MOREAU Nathan DDS, MSc, PhD
Past-President : MARTINEZ Valéria MD, PhD – AnesthesiologyCouncillors :
AUTHIER Nicolas MD, PhD – Psychiatry / Pharmacology
GINIES Patrick MD – Anesthesiology
LÉVÊQUE Marc MD – Neurosurgery
MICHEL-DHAINE Céline MD – Pain Medicine
SALLET Alexandre MCF – Psychology/Social Science
VISEUX Frédéric podiatry – osteopathy / research engineering
- EFIC Councillor
Valéria Martinez

Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e. V.
- Address
Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e. V.
Bundesgeschäftsstelle Alt-Moabit 101 b 10559 Berlin Germanye- Phone
- +49 30 39409689-0
- Website
- Governance
President: Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Georg Schaible
President-elect: Prof. Dr. med. Frank Petzke.
Vice President: Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Dipl.-Psych. Christiane Hermann
Secretary General: Prof. Dr. Nadja Nestler
Treasurer: Prof. Dr. med. Esther Miriam Pogatzki-Zahn
Vocal: PD Dr. med. Christian Geber
- EFIC Councillor
Winfried Meissner

Hellenic Society of Algology
- Address
4-6 Makrinitsas,11522 Athens, Greece
- Phone
- +30 210 642 1700 or +30 210 644 4174
- Fax
- +30-210-642 1700 or +30 210 644 8686
- Website
- Governance
President: Chrona Eleni
Vice President: Kolotoura Athina
G.Secretary: Tsirogianni Aikaterini
Treasurer: Arnaoutoglou Elena
Members: Ketikidou Eugenia, Nyktari Vasilia, Poulopoulou Sofia
- EFIC Councillor
Vagdatli Kiriaki

Hungarian Pain Society
- Address
Budapest, Köves út 1. HUNGARY, H-1204
- Website
- Governance
President: Dr. Robert Gyula Almási MD. Ph.D, EDPM
President Elect: Dr. Noémi Császár-Nagy Ph.D, ECP
Past President: Dr. Erika Budai MD.
Secretary: Dr. Éva Szőke Ph.D.
Treasurer: Dr. Eszter Anna Simonics MD.Board Members
Dr. Zsuzsanna Helyes MD. Ph.D., DSc.
Dr. Délia Szok MD.Ph.D.
Dr. Puskár Zita Ph.D.
Dr. Major János MD.
- EFIC Councillor
Dr. Vécsei László

Irish Pain Society
- Address
c/o College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland 22, Denzille Lane Dublin 2, Ireland
- Phone
- 353-1-2650602
- Fax
- 353-1-2650699
- Website
- Governance
President: Dr. Michelle Roche
Immediate Past President: Dr Therese O’Connor
Honorary Secretary: Mr Patrick Finan
Honorary Treasurer: Dr. Tadhg Lynch- Council
- Dr Michelle Roche Dr Therese O'Connor Dr Tagh Lynch Dr Patrick Finan Anna Marie Kiernan Prof David Finn Dr Siobhan Mahony Dr John Browne Mary Patricia Molyneaux Alex Kelly Dr Camillus Power Dr Cormac Mullins Dr Olga Baron Prof Kieran O'Sullivan Dr Joanne O'Brien Dr Brian McGuire
- EFIC Councillor
David Finn

National chapter of Israel
- Address
Sourasky Medical Center 6 Weizmann Street Tel Aviv 84516 ISRAEL
- Phone
- 97236974477
- Fax
- 97236974583
- Website
- Governance
President: Haggai Sharon MD PhD
Past President: Prof Elyad Davidson
General Secretary: Uri Hochberg MD
Treasurer: Roi Treister, PhD
Council: Roee Sheinfeld MD, Albina Rotshtein MD, Maayan Ben Sasson MD, Tal Harel MD
- EFIC Councillor
Haggai Sharon MD PhD
- Governance
President: Gabriele Finco
President-Elect: Diego M.M. Fornasari
Vicepresident: Stefano Tamburin
Past President: Maria Caterina Pace
Secretary: Vittorio Schweiger
Treasurer: M. Beatrice Passavanti
Nicola Luxardo
Antonella Paladini
Massimo Parolini
Enrico Polati
Filomena PuntilloFor more details:
- EFIC Councillor
Maria Caterina Pace
Professional Health Association-Pain Section Kosovo - PHA-PS
- Address
Professional Health Association-Pain Section Kosovo – PHA-PS
Bazhdarana II Kulla IV/602, 20000 Prizren- Phone
- 337 44 217 875
- Website
- Governance
President: Dr. Adem J. Bytyqi
Vice President: Fadil Kryeziu, MD
Secretary: Agron Bytyqi, Nurse, Pain research
Treasurer: Bashkim Sylaj, Nurse
- EFIC Councillor
Adem J. Bytyqi
Latvian Association for the Study of Pain
- Address
Riga Stradins University hospital, Dept. of Neurology Pilsonu Str. 13, House No. 15/20.b R
- Phone
- +371 670 69547
- Fax
- +371 670 69547
- Website
- Governance
President: Michail Aron
Vice President: Indulis Vanags, Prof. Dr., habil. med.
Secretary: Guntis Illkens
Treasurer: Dr. Daina Jegere, MD
Council: Vilnis Sosars, MD; Juris Berzins, Prof. Dr. habil. med, Ilze Supe, MD; Viktors Vestermanis, MD; Valentina Berga, MD; Ingrida Tambora, Dr. med., Daina Kurme, Dr. med., Sandra Vestermane, MD
- EFIC Councillor
Michail Aron
Lithuanian Pain Society - Lietuvos Skausmo Draugija
- Address
Department of Neurology, Kaunas Medical University Mickeviciaus 9 Kaunas LT 44307
- Phone
- 370-37-333514
- Website
- Governance
President: Arunas Sciupokas, MD, PhD
Vice President: Kestutis Petrikonis
Secretary: Janina Buterleviciute
Treasurer: Margarita Pileckyte
- EFIC Councillor
Arunas Sciupokas
National chapter of Moldova
- Address
Bulgara 35 str., of. 11,
Chisinau, MD-2001
Moldova, Republic of- Phone
- +373 795 794 74
- Website
- Governance
President: Iana Burmistr
Secretary: Voleac INA
Treasurer: Manastirschi Stanislav
SMM Manager: Nerpii Alina
Board Member: Fediuc Rodica, Stefantov Natalia, Ribac Nicu, Varban Valentina
- EFIC Councillor
Iana Burmistr
Norsk Smerteforening
- Address
Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet Dept. of Pain Management Pb4950 Nydalen N-0424 Oslo
- Phone
- + (47) 90029432
- Fax
- +47 23073690
- Website
- Governance
President: Audun Stubhaug
Past President: Astrid Woodhouse
Treasurer: Tone Marte Ljoså
Council: Svein Bergvik, Helena Blom, Randi Brendbekken, Felix Heckel, Tormod Landmark, Pascal Løhr, Lars-Jørgen Rygh, Olöf Anna Steingrimsdottir, Beate Tegnander
- EFIC Councillor
Audun Stubhaug
Polish Association for the Study of Pain
- Address
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu – Polish Association for the Study of Pain
Dept. Of Pain Research and Therapy Jagiellonian University- Phone
- 48603610350
- Website
- Governance
President: Dr Magdalena Kocot-Kepska, MD, PhD
Vice President: Prof. Jerzy Wordliczek, MD, PhD
Secretary: Prof. Jarosław Woroń, MD, PhD
Treasurer: Krystyna Boczar, MD
Board members: Prof. Barbara Przewlocka, MD, PhD; Prof. Małgorzata Malec-Milewska, MD, PhD, Prof. Andrzej Kübler, MD, Phd
- EFIC Councillor
Magdalena Kocot-Kępska

Associacao Portuguesa para o Estudo da Dor - APED
- Address
Departamento de Biologia Experimental Faculty of Medicine of Porto Alameda Professor Hernäni Monteiro 4200-319 Porto
- Phone
- +351 217 160 501 / +351 961 706 616
- Website
- Governance
President: Filipe Antunes
Vice President: Fernando Pimentel dos Santos, Graça Mesquita
Secretary: Rita Moutinho
Treasurer: Célia Cruz
Vowels: Carina Raposo, Rute Sampaio
Audit Committee: Armanda Gomes, Ana Zão, Raquel Coelho dos Santos
EFIC Counselor: Ana Pedro
- EFIC Councillor
Ana Pedro
Asociatia Roman Pentru Studiul Durerii - ARSD - Romanian Association For The Study of Pain - RASP
- Address
Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta, Clinica ATI
Splaiul Independentei 169, Sector 5
Bucharest 050098, Romania- Phone
- 0040213186459 and 0040722567936
- Fax
- 40-21-318-05-06
- Website
- Governance
President of honor: Dr. Lucian Sandu, MD, PhD
President: Virgil Dinca, MD, PhD
Vice President: Raluca Petre, MDPast President: Prof. Monica Cirstoiu, MD, PhD
Secretary: Adrian-loan Lungu, MD
Treasurer: Ramona Jemna, MDCensor: Daniela Vranceanu, MD
Board Members:
Gabriel Iacob, MD, PhD
Daniela Ionescu, MD, PhD
Stefan Neagu, MD, PhD
Sorin Oprescu, MD, PhD
- Council
- Daniela Vranceanu, MD, PhD and Anca Pascal, MD
- EFIC Councillor
Adriana Sarah Nica
Russian Association for the Study of Pain
- Address
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Baltiyskaya str. 8 125315 Moscow
- Phone
- 0079036861815
- Website
- Governance
President: Mikhail L. Kukushkin
General Secretary: Maxim V. Churyukanov
Head of Educational Committee: Oleg S. Davidov
- EFIC Councillor
Maxim V. Churyukanov
San Marino
National chapter of San Marino
- Address
Daniele Battelli, MD, EDPM
Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Unit
Ospedale di Stato della Repubblica di San MarinoVice-President:
Vitalba Vitale, MD
Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Unit
Ospedale di Stato della Repubblica di San MarinoSecretary:
Francesco Del Corso, MD
Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Unit
Ospedale di Stato della Repubblica di San MarinoTreasurer:
Lucia Guidi, Psychoterapist
Private Practictioner
Councillors:Nicolino Monachese,MD
Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Unit
Ospedale di Stato della Repubblica di San MarinoElisabetta Ercolani, Nurse
Day-Surgery Unit
Ospedale di Stato della Repubblica di San MarinoAlberto Gasperoni, Nurse
Operating Room Unit and Vascular Access Team
Ospedale di Stato della Repubblica di San MarinoMarco Protti, Nurse
Operating Room Unit and Vascular Access Team- Website
- EFIC Councillor
Barbara Brancaleoni
The Serbian Association of Pain Research and Treatment - SAPRT
- Address
Djordja Niksica, 30 21000 NOVI SAD
- Phone
- +382648059447
- Fax
- +381216624153
- Website
- EFIC Councillor
Snezana T. Todorovic
SSSLB - Slovak Society for Study and Treatment of Pain
- Address
Department of Algesiology
F.D. Roosvelt Univ. Hospital
Nam.Svobodu 1
Banska Bystrica 975 17
Slovakia- Website
- Governance
President: Miroslav Ferencik, MD,MBA
Past President: Marta Kulichova, MD, PhD
Secretary: Eva Salamonova, MD
Council: Brodani Dušan, MD, PhD, Geistova Tatiana, MD, Jakubikova Hedviga, MD, PhD, Doc. Martuliak Igor, MD, PhD, Ogurcakova Daniela, MD, Sujanova Alena, MD, Snopkova Jana.
- EFIC Councillor
Miroslav Ferencik

Slovenian Association for Pain Management
- Address
SZZB, Ljubljanska ulica 5, 2000 Maribor UKC NVIARIBOR
- Website
- Governance
Bozena Jerković- Parać MD, EDPM- President
Barbara Kosmina – Štefančič MD Vice President Neli Vinter, MD Ana Pekle, MD Nikolina Rijavec, MD Gorazd Pozlep Martin Rakusa, MD Marjan Zaletel, MD Zala Kuret, MD Jan Petrinja, MD Nenad Živković, MD
- EFIC Councillor
Nevenka Krcevski Skvarc

Sociedad Espanola Del Dolor - Spanish pain Society
- Phone
- +34 91 788 26 10
- Fax
- Fax: +34 91 788 26 10
- Website
- Governance
President: María de Madariaga
Secretary: María Ángeles Canós Verdecho
Treasurer: Enrique Ortega Ladrón de Cegama
- EFIC Councillor
María Luz Padilla del Rey
Swedish Pain Society
- Address
Department of Dental Medicine | Karolinska Institutet Box 4064, SE141 04 Huddinge | Alfred Nobels allé 8
- Phone
- +468-524 882 36
- Website
- Governance
Anna B Sellius, PT, MSc, Specialist in pain and pain rehabilitation.
Vice President and SIP contact:
Paulin Andréll, Assistans professor, Specialist in internal medicin and pain.
Andrea Hållstam, RN, PhD.
Angelica Höök, RN, Specialist in pediatrics and anaesthesia.
Scientific secretary:
Birgitta Häggman-Henrikson, Professor, Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function.
Mats Ruuth, Psych
Board member:
Linda Spinord, OT, PhD
- EFIC Councillor
Anna Bjarnegård

Swiss Pain Society (SPS)
- Address
Chapter Mailing Address:
Anne Ayingol
SPS Swiss Pain SocietySekretariat
c/o POMCANYS Marketing AG
Aargauerstrasse 250
8048 Zurich
Switzerland- Phone
- +41444961016
- Fax
- +41444961011
- Website
- Governance
President: Marc Suter
Past President: Konrad Maurer
President Elect: Petra Schweinhardt
Treasurer: Andreas Gantenbein
Actuary: Nicolas Mariotti
Assessors: Chantal Berna Renella, Andrea Berendes, Ben Brönnimann, Maximilien Jung, Monika Maag, Emanuelle Opsommer
- EFIC Councillor
Chantal Berna Renella
The Netherlands
Pijn Alliantie In Nederland (PA!N)
- Address
Caro van Eycklaan 47, 7207 GE Zutphen
- Phone
- +31 6 385 97 299
- Website
- Governance
President: Prof dr. Monique AH Steegers
Vice President and EFIC Councillor: Prof. A. André P. Wolff
Past President: Kris Vissers and Michiel Reneman
Office Support and Webmaster: Esther van der Tak
Treasurer: Brechtus Engelsma
Webmaster: Berry van Bruchem
Council: Monique Steegers, Andre Wolff, Rita Schiphorst Preuper, Esther van der Tak, Louk de Both
- EFIC Councillor
Andre Wolff
Turkish Society of Algology
- Address
Istanbul Agri Merkezi Camlik Cad., No.: 31, 3. Levent Istanbul, Turkey
- Fax
- 90-212-631-0541
- Website
- Governance
President: Gül Köknel Talu, MD, FIPP
Secretary: Gul K. Talu, MD
Treasurer: Meltem Uyar, MD
- EFIC Councillor
Gül Köknel Talu
Ukrainian Association for the Study of Pain
- Website
- Governance
President: Prof. Igor Romanenko, MD, PhD
President-elect: Prof. Yuriy Kobelyatsky, MD, PhD
Secretary: Volodymyr Romanenko, MD
Treasurer: Ivan Lesnoy, MD, PhD
Council: Prof. Georgiy Voytenko, Prof. Vladimir Ezhov, Prof. Nikolay Kvasnitskiy, Prof. Sergey Maksimenko, Prof. Vitaliy Mamchur, Prof. Nikolay Sapon, Prof. Larisa Sokolova
- EFIC Councillor
Volodymyr Romanenko
United Kingdom

The British Pain Society
- Address
Third Floor
Churchill House
35 Red Lion Square
London WC1R 4SG- Phone
- 00 44 207 269 7840
- Fax
- 00 44 207 831 0859
- Website
- Governance
President: Prof. Roger Knaggs
Vice President: Dr Catherine Price, Dr Rajesh Munglani
Honorary Secretary: Dr Martin Hey
Honorary Treasurer: Dr Neil Collighan
- EFIC Councillor
Roger Knaggs