EFIC Partners
With the European Pain Forum, we aim to create a platform where we can work together to ensure cooperation on issues where we share a common scientific understanding. The European Pain Forum seeks to encompass the views, goals, and vision of all relevant healthcare professional and patients’ organisations with a significant interest in alleviating pain. We aim to speak with a single voice on matters related to pain education, research, advocacy and standards at European level. The Forum is independent of all commercial and corporate funding from industry. The European Pain Forum is open to all scientific societies who adhere to its principles and wish to cooperate on scientific and educational activities on pain.
Officially announced at the EFIC 2019 Congress in Valencia, the Forum counts thirteen fully endorsing organizations so far, and more are in the process of joining.
Patients’ Organisations
The European Pain Federation aims to support pain patients’ organisations in their objectives. We work very closely with Pain Alliance Europe, who represent all chronic pain patients across Europe. We also collaborate with the European Cancer Patients’ Coalition and the European Federation of Neurological Associations. If you are part of a patients’ organisation and wish to work with us, please get in touch.

The European Pain Federation is also a member of the European Cancer Organisation, as pain management is a crucial component of quality cancer care.