IMI PainCare: Update on INTEGRATE-Pain
Update on the progress of IMI-PainCare, a public-private partnership supported by the European Union to improve the care of patients with acute or chronic pain. EFIC is one of about 40 partners of this consortium (www.imi-paincare.eu): INTEGRATE-Pain...
“The Future of European Pain Research” in the European Parliament, March 2023
The Future of Pain Research in Europe Chronic pain is the number one reason why people seek healthcare, accounting for over 50% of sickness absences and 60% of permanent disabilities in Europe alone Pain research in Europe is making important strides; however,...IMI PainCare: Event in the European Parliament, 21 March 2023
Cristian Silviu Busoi MEP and Alex Agius Saliba MEP invite you to a panel discussion on The Future of European Pain Research Tuesday, 21 March 2023 – 11:15-12:50 CET European Parliament – JAN 6Q1 Featuring experts from the European Pain Federation EFIC and...IMI PainCare: Update March 2023
Update on the progress of IMI-PainCare, a public-private partnership supported by the European Union to improve the care of patients with acute or chronic pain. EFIC is one of about 40 partners of this consortium (www.imi-paincare.eu): We are now entering the final...