The Societal Impact of Pain
The ‘Societal Impact of Pain’ (SIP) platform is a multi-stakeholder partnership led by the European Pain Federation EFIC and Pain Alliance Europe (PAE), which aims to raise awareness of pain and change pain policies.
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform aims to achieve improved
care and pain management across the EU, to reduce the societal impact of the disease which touches upon all aspects of life. If you have not yet endorsed the
SIP Joint Statement, there is still time.
News from the Societal Impact of Pain

SIP Spain will host a virtual event on 25-26 March 2022 on the societal impact of pain in their country
SIP Spain will host on 25-26 March 2022 their forum on the societal impact of pain in their country. Attendees will be...

The european pain federation efic joins the european connected health alliance!
The European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) is the Global Health Connector for Digital Health, facilitating...

Save the date! On 31st march 2022, (14h00-17h00) sip will host a multi-stakeholder virtual event to launch its position paper on digital health
On 31st March 2022, SIP will host a multi-stakeholder virtual event entitled “How can digitalising health services...

The first sip national platform call of 2022 will take place on the 8th of february
The first SIP National Platform call of the year will take place virtually on the 8th of February 2022. During the...

Meet the new sip team member
Эмилия Косиньска присоединяется к платформе SIP в качестве менеджера по ассоциациям и проектам в Pain Alliance Europe....

36th edition of the societal impact of pain (sip) newsletter
Dr. Brona fullen & ms. Deirdre ryan – european pain federation efic & pain alliance europe (pae), belgium Dear...

Beating cancer plan committee adopts multiple points supporting sip’s positions
The European Parliament’s Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) has published the final compromised amendments on...