The Societal Impact of Pain
The ‘Societal Impact of Pain’ (SIP) platform is a multi-stakeholder partnership led by the European Pain Federation EFIC and Pain Alliance Europe (PAE), which aims to raise awareness of pain and change pain policies.
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform aims to achieve improved
care and pain management across the EU, to reduce the societal impact of the disease which touches upon all aspects of life. If you have not yet endorsed the
SIP Joint Statement, there is still time.
News from the Societal Impact of Pain

The next sip national call will take place on the 6th of may 2021
The second SIP National call of 2021 will take place virtually on the 6th of May. Following the previous call held on...

News from one of the winners of the second edition of the bmp grant – rompe con el dolor (“break free from pain”) campaign has been launched
Chronic pain is a medical condition that involves physical and psychological impairment and is often associated with...

The results of the pae in-depth survey on covid-19 and chronic pain are now available
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an influence on people with chronic pain just as it has had on everyone in society. We...

Sip virtual event on europe’s beating cancer plan: report available
The Societal Impact of Pain held a virtual event on the 2nd of March 14h00-17h00 CET. The event is entitled “Ensuring...

#Eficplaintalking: a new campaign on health literacy
The European Pain Federation EFIC is delighted to announce the launch of the Plain Talking campaign as part of EFIC...

Sip responds to the european commission’s consultation on the strategic framework 2021-2027 for health & safety at work in the eu
European pain federation efic & pain alliance europe (pae), belgium The EU Strategic Framework (2021-2027) is a...
SIP Cancer Policy Event
EVENT REPORT NOW AVAILABLE 02 MARCH 2021 _____________________ Download the report here. Download the slides of the...