The Societal Impact of Pain
The ‘Societal Impact of Pain’ (SIP) platform is a multi-stakeholder partnership led by the European Pain Federation EFIC and Pain Alliance Europe (PAE), which aims to raise awareness of pain and change pain policies.
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform aims to achieve improved
care and pain management across the EU, to reduce the societal impact of the disease which touches upon all aspects of life. If you have not yet endorsed the
SIP Joint Statement, there is still time.
News from the Societal Impact of Pain

The next sip national platform call will take place on the 8th of february 2021
The first SIP National Platform call of 2021 will take place virtually on the 8th of February. The meeting will be a...

Read about the outcomes of the project that won the first edition of the bmp grant!
The first edition of the BMP Grant which had the theme of Overcoming Problems In Access To Treatments awarded three...

Sip contributed to european cancer organisation’s publication “free from cancer: achieving quality of life for all cancer patients and survivors”
Coinciding with the 2020 European Cancer Summit, the European Cancer Organisation’s Survivorship and Quality of Life...

The inaugural SIP platform meeting in Switzerland took place!
The kick-off meeting for SIP Switzerland was held on the 20th of October 2020, with the main goal to establish a...

Marja Kinnunen as deputy for Public Health Advisory Board
Executive manager of Finnish Musculoskeletal Association (TULE ry) Marja Kinnunen has been appointed as deputy for...

SIP Provided Input to the Commission’s Roadmap and Public Consultation Process
The Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Platform welcomed the European Commission Roadmap on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan....

PA!N supports new care standard for chronic pain in the Netherlands
One of the main objective of PA!N (SIP NL) is to increase awareness on the pain to policy makers / politicians and to...