Time To Act Campaign

Don’t Let COVID-19 Stop You From Tackling Cancer




On 11 May 2021, the European Cancer Organisation (ECO) launched the Time to Act Campaign, to urge the public, cancer patients, policymakers, and healthcare professionals to ensure COVID-19 does not continue to undermine the fight against cancer.

As part of the Time To Act campaign, ECO and campaign partners (including SIP) call for:

  • Cancer treatment (including aspects of pain management) to not be delayed due to the pandemic
  • Cancer patients to insist that their cancer treatment schedule is maintained

Furthermore, the campaign reaffirms ECO’s mission to support healthcare professionals in their commitment to delivering optimal care for the benefit of patients, including in pain management.

To support the campaign, ECO launched a new European COVID-19 & Cancer Data Intelligence hub, which provides further detail on the pandemic’s impact across the cancer continuum, and across countries. The hub brings together resources and information shared by ECO’s Special Network on the Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer, Member Societies, Patient Advocacy groups, and other stakeholders.

More info about the campaign can be found here.

Why SIP Supports the Campaign

SIP supports the campaign as one of its 2020-2021 Policy Priorities is cancer pain. The SIP Position Paper on Cancer Ralated Pain proposed the following key recommendations:

  • Establish and/or use pain as quality indicator.
  • Reference the inclusion of standards for the management of cancer-related pain across Europe to improve cancer pain management.
  • Make resources for cancer care services and treatments available.
  • Encourage Member States to provide an appropriate level of education and training in pain assessment and management and other principles of palliative care to all healthcare professionals involved in the care or patients with cancer-related pain.
  • Promote and allocate adequate funding to the development of pain research.
How To Get Involved in the Campaign

Time To Act is a multi-lingual campaign, and SIP National Platforms are encouraged to participate in national events and activities. ECO has prepared accompanying data analysis, videos, and other resources in 30 languages, providing the opportunity to launch the campaign in local languages via social media channels. SIP also supports the campaign via its social media channels.

For more information, SIP National Platforms and SIP Stakeholder Forum partners should contact:

Ángela Cano Palomares, Advocacy and Projects Officer, Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) Europe, at European Pain Federation EFIC – angela.palomares@efic.org


Campaign Image

Please download the Time To Act campaign image here.