Amanda Williams
Presenting on "Evidence-based analysis of healthy lifestyle interventions in chronic pain"
Amanda C de C Williams is Professor of clinical health psychology at University College London, and a clinical psychologist. She also works for the International Centre for Health and Human Rights, and is section editor for psychology for PAIN. In 1989 Amanda became a full-time clinician in a large pain management programme, responsible for evaluation of various outcomes, completing her PhD in 1996. She then moved increasingly into academia, joining University College London in 2004. For several years she also worked in a charity for torture survivors. Amanda’s particular interests are in evaluation of psychologically-based treatments by systematic review and meta-analyses; trustworthiness of data; developing evolutionary perspectives on pain in humans and in other animals; behavioural expression of pain and its interpretation by clinicians; pain from torture and its better recognition and treatment; and the use of responsive wearable technology to extend healthcare into patients’ own environments. She has presented work at national and international pain meetings. and written over 300 papers and chapters: publications can be found on https://profiles.ucl.ac.uk/4171-amanda-williams