Andrew Rice
Andrew S.C. Rice MB BS, MD, FRCP, FRCA, FFPMRCA, FFPMCAI is Professor of Pain Research at Imperial College London and Honorary Consultant in Pain Medicine at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London. He is active in both clinical practice and translational research elucidating neuropathic pain. Andrew’s research covers both laboratory and clinical research spanning animal models, through deep profiling of patients with a view to personalized medicine, to clinical trials and evidence synthesis by meta-analysis. His focus is on neuropathic pain in the context of infectious diseases (HIV, Herpes Zoster, HTLV-1 and leprosy), diabetic neuropathy and peripheral nerve trauma, especially in a military context. He is a vocal advocate for tackling the record of translation failure in his field by improving the internal and external validity of pre-clinical research and for innovating evidence synthesis methods in pre-clinical research. He collaborates with historians to “learn the lessons of history” particularly with regards to post amputation pain in First World War veterans and nutritional neuropathies in survivors of captivity in the Far East 1942-45. He has published well over 230 peer reviewed papers and has a citation (H) index of 61.
Andrew is President-Elect of the International Association for the Study of Pain and has the privileges of serving as liaison to both South Asians (SARPS federation) and Southeast Asian (ASEAPS) chapters of IASP.