Blair Smith
Presenting on "Phenotyping chronic pain in population studies, and measuring associations with mental health"
Blair H. Smith MD MEd FRCGP FFPMRCA FRCP FRSE is Professor of Population Health Science at the University of Dundee (Scotland). He is an academic General Practitioner, until recently also practising clinically as a Consultant in Pain Medicine, NHS Tayside. He is Clinical Co-director of Tayside Clinical Trials Unit. A co-investigator in research grants worth >€30M, and an author of ~300 peer-reviewed research papers, he established the Chronic Pain Research Group at Dundee and has been named by Clarivate as a ‘Highly Cited Researcher’ (top 1% globally in the field, top 0.1% overall). His research on chronic pain and neuropathic pain focuses on its epidemiology, genetics, primary care management and self-management. He is Co-Chair of the International Association for the Study of Pain's Global Alliance of Pain Patient Advocates (GAPPA) and a Past Chair of the Neuropathic Pain Special Interest Group (NeuPSIG). Blair served as the Scottish Government's National Lead Clinician for Chronic Pain (2014 to 2021) and is Specialty Adviser to the Chief Medical Officer. In 2023 he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE).