Christian Büchel
Presenting on "How experiencing side effects may influence treatment expectations and treatment outcome"
Christian Büchel is a member of the Hamburg Center for Neuroscience, where he is the Director of the Department for Systems Neuroscience at Hamburg University Medical Center. He holds an Affiliate Professor appointment in the Psychology department at the University of Hamburg. After Medical School at the University of Heidelberg, he performed postdoctoral research as a Wellcome Research Fellow at the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience at UCL in London.
Establishing his lab in Hamburg, he focused on the cognitive neuroscience of pain and motivation and initially studied decision making. In a parallel stream of projects he observed that the pain modulation underlying placebo analgesia can already be observed at the spinal cord level. A finding which he later also established for nocebo hyperalgesia.
He is a member of the Academy of Science in Hamburg and was awarded the Jung Award for Medicine, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis by the German Research Foundation, and the Wiley Young Investigator Award of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping for recognition of his work in cognitive neuroscience.
A full publication profile can be downloaded at https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ah3qaYcAAAAJ and his CV at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RQLhlGWGze597amp6Lr4VbtBwuedBoIe/view