Edmund Keogh
Ed Keogh is Deputy Director of the Bath Centre for Pain Research and Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology, both based at the University of Bath in the UK. His PhD was in Psychology from Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK), where he examined the effect of anxiety on cognitive biases towards threatening information. Following a lectureship post in London, he moved to the University of Bath in 2003. Ed’s primary research interests focus on two core themes. The first is in sex and gender differences in pain, with a focus on the role of psychosocial factors. He is exploring social factors in men and women’s pain, especially those related to pain communication. The second interest is on the role that attention has in the perception and experience of pain. Here he focuses on the interruptive effects of pain on attention, as well as exploring biases in attention towards pain. His current interest are in bringing these two areas together, looking on whether there are sex and gender differences in attention to nonverbal pain signals. He has written extensively on these areas of pain, has over 100 publications, and regularly presents his work nationally and internationally.