Felicia Cox
Felicia is a Nurse Consultant in Pain Management. She is a past Chair of RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum and is a co-opted member of the Council of the British Pain Society Council. She is a committee member of the EFIC Covid Task Force and EFIC Research Strategy group, the IASP Acute Pian Special Interest Group and a founder member of the Pain Nurse Network.
Felicia is the co-editor of the British Journal of Pain. The breadth of her pain related publications spans the continuum from the Daily Telegraph to The Lancet with systematic reviews, chapters and books in between. She has also co-authored e-learning modules on pain and medicine safety and has contributed to several FPM publications.
She is an Honorary Lecturer at Kings College London. She has been awarded Honorary Membership of the British Pain Society and Fellowship of the RCN for her services to pain. Her clinical and research interests include chronic post surgical pain and procedural pain and enjoys supporting novice authors to publish and disseminate their work.