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Kris Vissers

Kris Vissers

Kris Vissers is an accredited anesthesiologist – pain specialist and consultant in palliative care, professor in Pain and Palliative Medicine and chairman of the Radboud Expertise Center of Pain and Palliative Medicine of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre in the Netherlands. As a Research Group Leader his research program focusses on the quality of life of vulnerable patients. 

Since 2005, he is Professor in Pain and Palliative Medicine at the Radboudumc University Nijmegen. He is ex officio board member of the Benelux Chapter of the World Institute of Pain and was the first chairman of the Dutch Society of Multidisciplinary Palliative Care Professionals[i], chapter of the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC) and is the immediate past president of the Pain Alliance in the Netherlands, oldest chapter of the IASP. He is a past chair of the educational committee of EFIC. He is Past President of the World Institute of Pain. Currently, he is the chair of the Board of Examination of the World Institute of Pain for FIPP/CIPS certification. 

His main research interests are (1) translational approach and research on neuropathic pain, (2) practical and ethical application of palliative sedation, (3) proactive care and identification of patients in a palliative trajectory, (4) quality indicators of the organization and practice of pain and palliative medicine, (5) e-health and telemedicine in transmural care programs (6) decision making in palliative care and end-of-life and (7) the description of competences and performances for the education and training in pain and palliative medicine. 

He succeeded in getting external funding resources for major research projects in pain and palliative care (Europall, 7th framework, ZonMw, NWO, KWF, H2020, H2021). 

He is author of more than 250 publications in international peer reviewed journals and contributed to more than 20 textbooks. He contributes to local and national education with regular articles in Belgian and Dutch journals for physicians and for the lay public. He is frequently asked as speaker during national and international congresses and teaching courses. He was promotor of 40 PhD affiliates who completed their training. Currently, he is training about 36 PhD affiliates. He organized 10 international congresses and workshops. He was member of several scientific committees of congresses. Regularly, he is consultant and adviser for the ministry of Health of the Netherlands.