Lars Arendt-Nielsen
Lars Arendt-Nielsen is head of research, professor, dr med, ph d is employed at Aalborg University and Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark. He founded the experimental and clinical pain research group at Aalborg University in 1984 after returning from London where he worked at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases and studied at The University College London. Following the lectures by the fonder of modern pain research Pat Wall he decided to dedicate his carrier to pain. His group developed and grew over the years and several new pain groups were spun out. He earned his advanced degrees in 1) the area of pain neurophysiology and 2) on phenotyping pain patients and profiling pharmacological pain interventions.
Over the years his activities developed to include many pain areas such as advanced QST methodologies applied to healthy volunteers, neuropathic pain, musculoskeletal pain, and visceral pain. The focus has been on profiling and predicting outcome to pharmacological and surgical procedures. Recently he started focus on itch research and pain profiling including epigenetic markers.
He has published 1,189 peer reviewed journal papers (sum of times cited 42,692, average citations per item 35.9, H-index 98, Web of Science) in the area of pain neurobiology, pain assessment, pain management, musculoskeletal and visceral pain, bio-markers, itch, profiling of analgesic, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Full CV can be downloaded from: https://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/110350.