Luis Garcia-Larrea
Luis Garcia-Larrea (Madrid, 1956) obtained his MD and PhD degrees, and the medical specialisation in Clinical Neurophysiology from the University of Barcelona (Spain). He is currently Research Director at the INSERM (National Agency for Medical Research, France), Head of the Inserm / University research Lab “Central Integration of Pain in Humans” (NeuroPain) at the Centre for Neuroscience of Lyon, and member of the Neurological Hospital Pain Center. His main research interests are the cortical processing of somatic sensations, the diagnosis and prediction of neuropathic pain, and its therapy using cortical neurostimulation. He is author of more than 200 scientific publications and 50 didactic papers on these topics, and Editor of the Book “Pain in the Conscious Brain” (IASP–Wolters-Kluver 2016). He served as President of the French (2008-10) and European Societies of Clinical Neurophysiology (2010-2015), as Deputy Director of the Human Biology Department of Lyon Claude Bernard University (2013-2017), and is currently Editor-in-Chief of The European Journal of Pain (2016 - ). He serves as member of the European Task Forces for the Assessment of neuropathic pain and neurostimulation techniques (European Federation of Neurology - EFNS) and has received awards from the Institut de France (Neuroscience Prize 2009; Pain research prize 2015), the French Pain Society (Prize for Translational Research 2013) and the IASP (Ronald Melzack Lecture Award 2012).