Nadja Nestler
Nadja Nestler is a registered nurse with an advanced training in anesthesia and intensive care. After diploma program of nursing, she worked as a pain nurse at the Department for Pain-Therapy at the University Hospital of the Employers' Liability Insurance Association in Bochum, Germany. Since 2009, she was a research associate in different research projects at the Institute of Nursing Science and Practice at the Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg; at first the project “Action Alliance Pain Free City Muenster” (2009 to 2014). Since 2017, she is an assistant professor with research focus on chronic care, she is Head of Department Nursing Development Center and Deputy Director of the Institute. She was a member of the expert group for the actualization of the German Expert Standard for Pain Management in Nursing, member of the working group for the development of the European core curriculum for pain nursing. She is a member of the President’s Campaign of the EFIC. As a member of the German Pain Association, she is speaker of the permanent advisory board of this association, and member of a commission to develop a German curriculum for pain nursing.