Patrice Forget
Presenting on "Pain management in people with substance use disorders"
Professor Patrice Forget is Clinical Chair in Anaesthesia at the University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom), and Honorary Consultant at the NHS Grampian. He is also a board member of the European Pain Federation EFIC and the Chair of the SIP - Societal Impact of Pain platform Working Group. Until 2019, he worked as Clinical Professor in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine in Belgium, and as President of the Belgian Pain Society. He is involved in clinical research, focussed on mainly perioperative epidemiology, pain and clinical pharmacology. For the last ten years, as principal investigator and/or national coordinator, he authored more than 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He founded and chairs the Pain and Opioids after Surgery (PANDOS) ESAIC Research Group.
Conflict of interests: Deputy-Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Senior/Academic/Associate Editor for the British Journal of Anaesthesia, BMC Anesthesiology and Anaesthesia, the Journal of Clinical Medicine, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, and expert for governments and scientific organisations, Cochrane and REDCap consortia member. Patrice Forget received speaker/advisory board honoraria from Grunenthal, GE Healthcare and Oncomfort