Suellen Walker
Suellen Walker MBBS MMed MSc PhD FANZCA FFPMANZCA FFPMRCA is Professor of Paediatric Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK. Following her medical degree, she has completed a Masters in Medicine in Pain Management, MSc in Neuroscience, and PhD in developmental neurobiology of pain. She was a Foundation Diplomate of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists when it was established in 1999 and was Elected to Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK in 2016.
Professor Walker is Principal investigator, Paediatric Pain Research Group, Developmental Neurosciences Programme. Her clinical activities include acute and chronic paediatric pain management, and she has been a contributor and editor of pain management evidence-based guidelines and textbooks. Her research interests include translational laboratory and clinical research evaluating the developmental neurobiology of pain, potential long-term effects of early life pain and injury, and neuropathic pain in children.