The OneNeurology European Summit, organised under the auspices of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2021, and the OneNeurology Partnership, will advance the ambition to build a European Health Union in which we address key common EU health challenges together, in a more coordinated and efficient way. In this regard, the EU needs to raise the priority of neurological disorders, which are the third leading cause of deaths in the EU and are identified as one of the NCD priority areas in the EU4Health Programme.
The event will feature high-level speakers and panelists, including Dr. Janez Poklukar (Minister of Health, Slovenia), Dr. Hans Kluge (Director, WHO Europe), John F. Ryan (Director, Public Health, Country Knowledge, Crisis Management, DG SANTE), Dr. Tarun Dua (Head, Brain Health Unit, WHO), Prof. Claudio Bassetti (President, European Academy of Neurology) and Prof. Wolfgang Grisold (President Elect, World Federation of Neurology).
Find out more here.